SIGGRAPH 2016: 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

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  • Mona Kasra -
    • University of Virginia
    • University of Texas at Dallas
    • California State University, Northridge


Anaheim, California, United States of America


July 24-28, 2016


Conference Theme:

Render the Possibilities

Conference Overview:

The 43rd SIGGRAPH Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques is a five-day interdisciplinary educational experience, featuring the world’s most prestigious forum for computer graphics research, creative adventures in digital media, immersive realities, emerging interactive technologies, advanced mobile systems, and hands-on opportunities for creative collaboration.

Experience Overview(s):

Learning Overview(s):

Number of Attendees:


Number of Exhibitors:


Conference Committee Info:

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    Committee Chairs
    Other Conference Support Personnel

Conference Content:

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Acknowledgments and Awards Announced During the Conference:

SIGGRAPH Videos Reviews Containing Conference Content:

Animations Shown at the Conference:

Art Show Entries:

Experience Entries:

Learning Entries:

Conference Publications:

Conference Collectibles: