“Synthesis of filigrees for digital fabrication”

  • ©Weikai Chen, Xiaolong Zhang, Shiqing Xin, Yang Xia, Sylvain Lefebvre, and Wenping Wang




    Synthesis of filigrees for digital fabrication





    Filigrees are thin patterns found in jewelry, ornaments and lace fabrics. They are often formed of repeated base elements manually composed into larger, delicate patterns. Digital fabrication simplifies the process of turning a virtual model of a filigree into a physical object. However, designing a virtual model of a filigree remains a time consuming and challenging task. The difficulty lies in tightly packing together the base elements while covering a target surface. In addition, the filigree has to be well connected and sufficiently robust to be fabricated. We propose a novel approach automating this task. Our technique covers a target surface with a set of input base elements, forming a filigree strong enough to be fabricated. We exploit two properties of filigrees to make this possible. First, as filigrees form delicate traceries they are well captured by their skeleton. This affords for a simpler definition of operators such as matching and deformation. Second, instead of seeking for a perfect packing of the base elements we relax the problem by allowing appearance preserving partial overlaps. We optimize a filigree by a stochastic search, further improved by a novel boosting algorithm that records and reuses good configurations discovered during the process.We illustrate our technique on a number of challenging examples reproducing filigrees on large objects, which we manufacture by 3D printing. Our technique affords for several user controls, such as the scale and orientation of the elements.


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