SIGGRAPH 1974: 1st Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

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Boulder, Colorado, United States of America


July 15-17, 1974

Conference Overview:

The conference was a smashing success. Between 550 and 600 people attended the conference and the SIGGRAPH workshop preceding the conference drew 180. The complete proceedings of the conference will commence in the fall of 1974 of “Computer and Graphics” edited by Robert Schiffman at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Co., 80302.

The outstanding success of the Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive
Techniques has shown that graphics is an established and important part of the computer environment. Nearly 600 graphics users from the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Japan met in Boulder, Colorado this July to hear and discuss 59 professional papers. The sessions were jointly sponsored by the University of Colorado Computing Center and the Special Interest Group on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Papers presented during the first two days of the Conference reported the accomplishments of those working to provide a useful tool in the form of a graphics display system. Significant advances in the solution of the problem of generation, manipulation and measuring of three-dimensional surfaces and objects were presented by several speakers. Another critical aspect of a graphics system, the human interaction, was explored in several sessions. The use of unconventional techniques such as speech input as well as discussions about the optimal use of conventional techniques were examined. Aids to the programmer of graphic systems were presented in sessions which dealt with graphic programming languages and data structure design and processing.

The last day of the Conference was devoted to the end users of graphics. Individuals working in various application areas which have successfully solved a particular problem with the aid of a graphic system were on hand to tell their story. Progress was described in the sessions on Biology and Medicine, Engineering, Mapping and Statistics and Data Analysis.

The Summary Graphics Standards Planning Connnittee (GSPC) appointed by SIGGRAPH Chairman Bob Dunn, following the Workshop on Machine Independent Graphics in April, held a series of working sessions during the Conference. In refining the Guidelines developed by the Workshop, the Committee has chosen to develop a software system of standards of considerable computer and graphic device independence. Initial work will emphasize rather than syntactic specification to achieve a functionally independent standard rather than a language embedded one. The Committee’s working papers will be published in Computer Graphics. Interested persons are urged to contact Larry Rosler of Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey for further information.

The Second Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques June 25-27, 1975 at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio is the time and place for our Second Annual Conference.

Experience Overview(s):

Learning Overview(s):

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Animations Shown at the Conference:

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