Robert (Bob) M. Dunn

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • R.M. Dunn & Associates Inc, US Army Electronics Command, President

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Arc Vertuel, Inc.
  • Summagraphics, Inc., Vice President
  • The Cadware Group, Ltd.


  • Fairfield, Connecticut, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 1984

    Robert M. Dunn is president of R.M. Dunn & Associates, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in graphics, software engineering, office automation, CAD/CAM and distributed systems. He was formerly vice president for system development and engineering, Summagraphics Corporation. He has served as chairman, ACM SIGGRAPH; convener and chairman, Graphics Standards Planning Committee and ANSI X3H3; and as a member of ISO WG85.2. His professional affiliations include ACM, SIGGRAPH, IEEE Computer Society and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. He earned a B.A. in mathematics, a M.S.E. in computers and information sciences and has done additional advanced degree work in systems engineering

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Learning Category: Presentation(s):

Learning Category: Moderator:


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