Carl Machover

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Machover Associates, President


  • White Plains, New York, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 1994

    Carl Machover is president of Machover Associates Corporation; a Consultancy which provides a broad range of management, engineering, marketing and financial services world-wide to computer graphics users, suppliers and investors. Application areas served include CAD, CAM, CAE, CIM, business, slidemaking, art, animation, graphic arts, multimedia, process control, technical documentation, visualization, virtual reality, engineering and scientific. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Computer Graphics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Past-President of NCGA. Mr. Machover is an internationally recognized expert in computer graphics. He is on the editorial advisory boards of many industry publications. He has written  numerous articles on computer graphics, has conducted computer graphics seminars and lectures world-wide, is editor of the “C4 Handbook”, co-editor of the “CAD/CAM Handbook”, co-author of “Japanese Computer Graphics Industry and Markets”, consulting editor of McGraw Hill Book series, “Visual Computing”, and associate editor of WSPC “Information Display” series. In 1988, Mr. Machover received the North Carolina State University Orthogonal Award, he was inducted in the FAMLI Computer Graphics Hall of Fame, and was given the NCGA Vanguard award in 1993.

    He graduated as an electrical engineer from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and has over three decades of experience. He is a Fellow of the Society for Information Display (former National President), and the Computer Graphics.

    SIGGRAPH 1993

    Carl Machover is president of Machover Associates Corporation; a Consultancy which provides a broad range of management, engineering, marketing and financial services world-wide to computer graphics users, suppliers and investors. Application areas served include CAD, CAM, CAE, CIM, business, slidemaking, art, animation, graphic arts, multimedia, process control, technical documentation, visualization, virtual reality, engineering and scientific. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Computer Graphics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Past-President of NCGA. Mr. Machover is an internationally recognized expert in computer graphics. He is on the editorial advisory boards of many industry publications. He has written  numerous articles on computer graphics, has conducted computer graphics seminars and lectures world-wide, is editor of the “C4 Handbook”, co-editor of the “CAD/CAM Handbook”, co-author of “Japanese Computer Graphics Industry and Markets”, consulting editor of McGraw Hill Book series, “Visual Computing”, and associate editor of WSPC “Information Display” series. In 1988, Mr. Machover received the North Carolina State University Orthogonal Award, he was inducted in the FAMLI Computer Graphics Hall of Fame, and was given the NCGA Vanguard award in 1993.

    He graduated as an electrical engineer from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and has over three decades of experience. He is a Fellow of the Society for Information Display (former National President), and the Computer Graphics.

    SIGGRAPH 1992

    Carl Machover is a respected industry consultant. He is President of Machover Associates Corporation, consultants who provide a broad range of management, engineering, marketing and financial services to computer graphics users, suppliers, and investors. He is Past-President of the National Computer Graphics Association (NCGA) and the Society for Information Display (SID). He is on the editorial boards of a number of industry publications, including Computer Graphics and Applications, Computers and Graphics, and the Visual Computer. Mr. Machover is Consulting Editor of the McGraw-Hill series. Management and Technology of Computer Graphics, the S. Klein Newsletter and is the Project Director for Frost & Sullivan Computer Graphics Reports.  

    SIGGRAPH 1991

    Carl Machover is president of Machover Associates Corporation; a consultancy which provides a broad range of management, engineering, marketing and financial services world-wide to computer graphics users, suppliers and investors. Application areas served include CAD, CAM, CAE, CIM, business, slidemaking, art, animation, graphic arts, multimedia, process control, technical documentation, engineering and scientific. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Computer Graphics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Past-President of NCGA.

    Mr. Machover is an internationally recognized expert in computer graphics. He is on the editorial advisory boards of many industry publications. He has written numerous articles on computer graphics, has conducted computer graphics seminars and lectures world-wide, is editor of the “C4 Handbook”, co-editor of the “CAD/CAM Handbook”, co-author of “Japanese Computer Graphics Industry and Markets”, consulting editor of the “S. Klein Computer Graphics Review”, and Tab Professional & Reference Book series, “Computer Graphics Management and Technology”. In 1988, Mr. Machover received the North Carolina State University Orthogonal Award, and he was inducted in the FAMLI Computer Graphics Hall of Fame.

    He graduated as an electrical engineer from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and has over three decades of experience. He is a Fellow of the Society for Information Display (former National President), and the Computer Graphics Pioneers (former “Chief Old Timer”), among other professional societies 



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