“Business Visualization Applications” by Cohen, Jarett, Feiner and Machover

  • ©Steven (Steve) M. Cohen, Irwin M. Jarett, Steven K. Feiner, and Carl Machover



Entry Number: 32


    Business Visualization Applications

Course Organizer(s):



    An understanding of computer graphics techniques sufficient to create simple business graphics applications. Advanced competency in the development of business information systems that use some form of computer graphics.

    Who Should Attend
    Business people who have the need to develop advanced business visualization processes to assist management and line personnel to relate and respond to complex and fast changing business data.

    This course promotes interaction between business and computer graphics developers by demonstrating the need for structure and consistency in business computer graphics. Attendees develop an understanding of how advanced visualization techniques make it possible to see a complete data context of the business environment, and develop an understanding of the limitation of advanced multimedia techniques in business applications.

    Standardization of output for special purposes, such as complex business data presentations, is as critical to the development of visualization as was standardization of computer compatibility. This course examines the emerging roles of advanced visualization techniques in the present and future business environment, in particular how virtual worlds and high-performance graphics can be utilized to visualize and understand financial data. Techniques discussed include virtual worlds, parallel coordinates, interactive 3D graphics, multimedia presentations, and a financial graphic alphabet.

Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: