SIGGRAPH 1990: 17th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques




Dallas, Texas, United States of America


August 6-10, 1990

Conference Theme:

The Pioneers Return to Dallas

Conference Overview:

Welcome to Dallas! Thank you for making time in your schedule to attend SIGGRAPH ’90, the 17th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques! As you embark on your adventure at the world’s largest and most exciting computer graphics event, keep in mind this is your once-a-year chance to share new ideas, create solutions, and experience the most exciting advancements in computer graphics technology.

So, if you’re here for the first time-or you’re a seasoned SIGGRAPH attendee-we’re sure you’ll want to experience it all! You’ll be educated by numerous cutting-edge courses, papers and panels; entertained by the dynamic art show and film and video theater; and amazed at the world’s state-of-the- art technology exhibition.

Along with traditional events, SIGGRAPH ’90 offers you new educational venues, such as workshops and anexhibitofhypermedia. Sundayseminarsand special interest groups offer an opportunity to discuss specific computer graphics techniques, theories, technology and trends with a wide mix of SIGGRAPH personalities.

At this time, it’s also appropriate to express our thanks to all the volunteers and professionals who have worked diligently and with great enthusiasm over the past two years to make this conference possible. In addition, we’d like to especially welcome the international attendees-who have traveled great distances-and our Soviet colleagues who will bring SIGGRAPH to the U.S.S.R. next year.

This program will assist you in taking full advantage of the opportunities available to you. After anxiously awaiting this moment, we hope thatSIGGRAPH will inspire you with fresh ideas and spark you to take home the excitement and energy

– you’ve experienced at this truly dynamic conference. Thanks for joining us. We’re glad you’re here!

Experience Overview(s):

Learning Overview(s):

Number of Attendees:


Number of Exhibitors:


Conference Committee Info:

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Conference Content:

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Acknowledgments and Awards Announced During the Conference:

SIGGRAPH Videos Reviews Containing Conference Content:

Animations Shown at the Conference:

Art Show Entries:

Experience Entries:

Learning Entries:

Conference Publications:

Conference Collectibles: