“Direct WYSIWYG painting and texturing on 3D shapes” by Hanrahan and Haeberli

  • ©Patrick (Pat) Hanrahan and Paul E. Haeberli




    Direct WYSIWYG painting and texturing on 3D shapes

Session/Category Title:   Non Photo Realistic Rendering




    This paper describes a 3D object-space paint program. This program allows the user to directly manipulate the parameters used to shade the surface of the 3D shape by applying pigment to its surface. The pigment has all the properties normally associated with material shading models. This includes, but is not limited to, the diffuse color, the specular color, and the surface roughness. The pigment also can have thickness, which is modeled by simultaneously creating a bump map attached to the shape. The output of the paint program is a 3D model with associated texture maps. This information can be used with any rendering program with texture mapping capabilities. Almost all traditional techniques of 2D computer image painting have analogues in 3D object painting, but there are also many new techniques unique to 3D. One example is the use of solid textures to pattern the surface.


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