“Using tolerances to guarantee valid polyhedral modeling results” by Segal

  • ©Mark Segal




    Using tolerances to guarantee valid polyhedral modeling results

Session/Category Title:   Object Space Methods




    A polyhedral solid modeler that operates on boundary representations of objects must infer topological information from numerical data. Unavoidable errors (due to limited precision) affect these calculations so that their use may produce ambiguous or contradictory results. These effects cause existing polyhedral modelers to fail when presented with objects that nearly align or barely intersect[10][7].An object description associating a tolerance with each of its topological features (vertices, edges, and faces) is introduced. The use of tolerances leads to a definition of topological consistency that is readily applied to boundary representations. The implications of using tolerances to aid in making consistent topological determinations from imprecise geometric data are explored and applied to the calculations of a polyhedral solid modeler. The resulting modeler produces a consistent polyhedral boundary when given consistent boundaries as input.


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    19. Mark Segal and Carlo H. Srquin. Partitioning polyhedral objects into non-intersecting parts. IEEE CG & A 8,1 (January 1988), 53-67.
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    21. Chee-Keng Yap. A geometric consistency theorem for a symbolic perturbation scheme. In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, pages 134- 142, Urbana, Illinois, 1988.

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