David S. Ebert

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • University of Maryland, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department, Instructor

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • The Ohio State University, Assistant Professor
  • Purdue University


  • SIGGRAPH 1999

    David Ebert’s research interests are procedural techniques for computer graphics, animation, scientific, medical, and information visualization. After receiving his Ph.D. from the Computer and Information Science Department at The Ohio State University in 1991, he was an Instructor In that department for two years. In 1993, Dr. Ebert joined the faculty of the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He has taught eight courses at SIGGRAPH since 1992 and has published numerous articles on procedural modeling, rendering, and animation of gaseous phenomena. David is also the co-author of the first and second editions of Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach, published by AP Professional. His work in simulating gaseous phenomena has also been featured in the SIGGRAPH Electronic Theater and the Papers program.  

    SIGGRAPH 1996

    David Ebert is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Previously, he was an instructor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at The Ohio State University. He received his PhD in Computer and Information Science in June, 1991 from The Ohio State University. His current research interests include procedural modeling, rendering, and animation of gases, fluids, and fire; realistic volumetric scientific, medical, and information visualization; and animation control.

    Dr. Ebert has chaired courses at SIGGRAPH ’92, ’93, ’94, and ’95 on Procedural Modeling and Rendering Techniques, has authored papers on the rendering and animation of procedurally defined gases, has published several journal papers on procedural modeling and animating volumetric gases and realistic visualization techniques and has produced 2 animations featuring this work which won numerous international awards and appeared in the SIGGRAPH ’89 and SIGGRAPH ’90 Animation Screening Rooms. His work has also appeared in the SIGGRAPH ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, and ’96 Technical Slide sets as well as several textbooks and the cover of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications magazine. Dr. Ebert has co-authored the book Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach for AP Professional with Ken Musgrave, Darwyn Peachey, Ken Perlin, and Steve Worley, and recently written a chapter on Advanced Geometric Modeling Techniques for the CRC Handbook of Computer Science and Engineering.  

    SIGGRAPH 1994

    David Ebert is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Previously, he was an instructor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at The Ohio State University. He received his PhD In Computer and Information Science in June, 1991 from The Ohio State University. His current research interests include rendering and animating gases, fluids, and fire, combining volume and surface-based rendering, texturing, animation control issues, and scientific visualization.

    Dr. Ebert has chaired courses at SIGGRAPH ’92 and ’93 on Procedural Modeling and Rendering Techniques, has presented a paper on rendering and animating procedurally defined gases at SIGGRAPH ’90, has published several journal papers on procedural modeling and animating volumetric gases, has produced 2 animations featuring this work which won numerous international awards and appeared In the SIGGRAPH ’89 and SIGGRAPH ’90 Animation Screening Rooms. His work has also appeared in the SIGGRAPH ’89, ’90, ’91 and ’92 Technical Slide sets as well as several textbooks and the cover of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications magazine.

    SIGGRAPH 1992

    David Ebert is an instructor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at The Ohio State University. He received his PhD in Computer and Information Science in June,  1991. His current research interests include rendering and animating gases and fluids, combining volume and surface-based rendering, texturing, and animation control issues.  Ebert has presented a paper on rendering and animating procedurally defined gases at SIGGRAPH ’90, has produced 2 animations featuring this work which won numerous awards and appeared in the SIGGRAPH ’89 and SIGGRAPH ’90 Animation Screening Rooms. His work has also appeared in the SIGGRAPH ’89, ’90, and ’91 Technical Slide sets as well as several textbooks and the cover of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications magazine.   



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