Victoria L. Interrante

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering, Staff Scientist

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • ICASE, Assistant Professor
  • University of Minnesota


  • SIGGRAPH 2023
    Victoria Interrante is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota and a member of the graduate faculty in the interdisciplinary Cognitive Science and Human Factors programs. Her current research focuses on applying insights from visual perception and cognition to the development of more effective virtual reality experiences and the more effective communication of complex information through visual imagery; in this work, she has enjoyed collaborating with colleagues in a wide variety of fields from architectural design and neuropsychology to engineering and medicine.

    Dr. Interrante is an inaugural inductee into the IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Academy (2022) and a recipient of the 2020 IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Career Award, in recognition of her lifetime contributions to visualization and visual perception for augmented and virtual reality. In 1999 she received the NSF’s Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers for her “innovative contributions to research and education by combining graphics, visualization, and cognitive science to develop a science of representation for design of computer interfaces”.

    Dr. Interrante co-founded and served as the first general co-chair of the ACM/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception in 2004, and was co-editor-in-chief of the ACM Transactions on Applied Perception from 2015-2021. She has additionally served on the editorial boards of several other leading journals including the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. She was an invited presenter at the 2004 National Academies Convocation on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research, an invited participant at the National Academy of Engineering’s Seventh Annual Frontiers of Engineering, and a member of the organizing committee for the Eighth German-American Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering, a joint project of the NAE and the Alexander von Humbolt Foundation.

    Dr. Interrante has an active record of leadership and service with numerous top international conferences in virtual reality, visualization and computer graphics. Currently vice-chair of the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee, she also served as a member of the IEEE VR Steering Committee from 2015-2021, after stints as co-General Chair (2014) and co-Program Chair (2015-2017) of the conference. She has additionally served as the co-General Chair (2017) and co-Program Chair (2018, 2019) for EuroVR, and co-Program Chair for the ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology conference (2024), in addition to earlier leadership roles with other events like the 2010 Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE, EuroVR and VEC, the 2008 Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics, and the technical track on Graphics, Animation and Gaming at the 2015 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.

    SIGGRAPH 1998

    Victoria Interrante is a staff scientist at ICASE. a center of research in applied mathematics, numerical analysis and computer science operated by the Universities Space Research Association at the NASA Langley Research Center. She received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1996, where she completed a dissertation under the direction of Drs. Henry Fuchs and Stephen Pizer on the design of perceptually-inspired artistic techniques for improving the comprehensibility of layered transparent surfaces. Her current research focuses on the application of insights from perceptual psychophysics, art and illustration to the design of more effective techniques for visualizing data, the study of shape and depth perception, the development of automatic methods for intuitively conveying essential aspects of intrinsic shape via texture, shape-based feature extraction, and the representation of 3D flow using volume line integral convolution.  

    SIGGRAPH 1997

    Victoria Interrante is a staff scientist at the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE), a center of research in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, fluid dynamics  and computer science operated by the Universities Space Research Association at the NASA Langley Research Center. She received a PhD in computer science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1996, where she completed a dissertation under the direction of Drs. Henry Fuchs and Stephen Pizer on the design of perceptually-inspired artistic techniques for improving the comprehensibility of layered transparent surfaces. Her current research focuses on the application of insights from perceptual psychophysics, art and illustration to the design of more effective techniques for visualizing data, the study of shape and depth perception, the use of texture to convey 3D shape and flow  information.  


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