Rich Gossweiler

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  • SIGGRAPH 1998

    Rich Gossweiler is research scientist in the User Interface Research Group at Xerox PARC, where he is currently working on Information Visualization. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Virginia in 1996. At UVa, he developed DIVER, the rendering engine for the Department’s Virtual Reality system and later for the Alice system. Working with faculty from both the Psychology department and the Computer Science department, his Ph.D. work focused on Time-Critical Rendering (TCR) using perception-based techniques. Towards the end of his research at UVa, Rich became interested in developing perception-based, three-dimensional interfaces in more traditional desktop computing environments. Rich was then employed by Silicon Graphics, Inc., where he contributed to the VRML 2.0 specifications and helped develop Cosmo Worlds, a commercial VRML authoring system. At PARC, he has been developing a rapid-prototyping system that allows researchers to visualize and navigate large datasets, such as the web.  


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