Penny Rheingans

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • US EPA Scientific Visualization Center, Visualization Specialist

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Martin Marietta, Assistant Professor
  • University of Mississippi
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore County


  • SIGGRAPH 1999

    Dr. Penny Rheingans is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a BA in Computer Science from Harvard University. Before coming to the University of Maryland, Dr.  Rheingans was a Visualization Specialist for Martin Marietta at the US EPA Scientific Visualization Center, where she developed tools and techniques for the effective display of environmental data. Following this, she worked as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Mississippi. While at UNC, Dr. Rheingans developed tools for the visualization of molecular surfaces, the design and manipulation of color mappings for bivariate information, and the utilization of virtual reality technology to conduct interactive walkthroughs of very large architectural databases. Her current research interests include multivariate visualization, perceptual issues in visualization, dynamic representation, the application of texture to data visualization, and the experimental validation of visualization techniques. Dr. Rheingans has developed courses for SIGGRAPH 94, 95, and 97, and for IEEE Visualization ’96. She has designed and regularly teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in computer graphics and visualization.  

    SIGGRAPH 1998

    Penny Rheingans is an assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Mississippi. She received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a BA in Computer Science from Harvard University. Before coming to the University of Mississippi, Dr. Rheingans was a Visualization Specialist for Martin Marietta at the US EPA Scientific Visualization Center, where she developed tools and techniques for the more effective display of environmental data. While at UNC, she developed tools for the visualization of molecular surfaces, the design and manipulation of color mappings for bivariate information, and the utilization of virtual reality technology to conduct interactive walkthroughs of very large architectural databases. Her current research interests include multivariate visualization, perceptual issues in visualization, dynamic representations, the application of texture to data visualization, and the experimental validation of visualization techniques.  


    Penny Rheingans is a visualization specialist for Martin Marietta at the US Environmental Protection Agency Scientific Visualization Center. She is actively involved in developing visualization tools and techniques for the more effective display of environmental data to scientists, policy-makers, and citizens. She has developed systems for the dynamic design and manipulation of color mappings for bivariate data, the design of opacity-modulating textures for molecular surfaces, and the display of high-dimensional statistical data. Her current research interests include multivariate visualization, dynamic manipulation. the design of effective color mappings, perceptual issues in visualization, the application of texture mapping to data visualization, and the experimental validation of visualization techniques. Dr. Rheingans received a BA in Computer Science from Harvard University in 1985 and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1993.  

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