“How to Cheat and Get Away With It: What Computer Graphics Can Learn from Perceptual Psychology” Moderated by Victoria L. Interrante and Daniel Kersten

  • ©David Brainard, Heinrich H. Buelthoff, Daniel Kersten, James A. Ferwerda, and Pawan Sinha



Entry Number: 02


    How to Cheat and Get Away With It: What Computer Graphics Can Learn from Perceptual Psychology




    Visual perception and visual representation are intricately related, with research in each of these areas benefiting from and potentially facilitating research in the other. This panel provided a forum for wider exchange of information and ideas between researchers in psychology, who are using computer graphics to facilitate their investigations into the fundamental processes of visual perception, and researchers in computer graphics, who are using insights from psychology to guide the development of algorithms and approaches for more effective visual representation. 

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