“Simulating Nature: From Theory to Practice” by Ebert, Musgrave, Prusinkiewicz, Stam and Tessendorf

  • ©David S. Ebert, F. Kenton Musgrave, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Jos Stam, and Jerry Tessendorf



Entry Number: 25


    Simulating Nature: From Theory to Practice

Course Organizer(s):



    Familiarity with standard graphics techniques for modeling. Familiarity with basic grammar-based modeling, procedural techniques, and particle systems is helpful but not required.

    Fractal-based techniques for simulating mountains and planets. Realistic modeling and rendering of oceanscapes viewed from above or below. Stable and interactive simulation of motion in fluids. Volumetric procedural cloud modeling. Grammar-based techniques for modeling plants and plant ecosystems.

    In this course, attendees received a working knowledge of several techniques for simulating natural phenomena. Course presenters provided both a research and production perspective on several difficult tasks, including photo-realistic modeling, rendering, and animation of natural phenomena. They surveyed physics-based approaches for modeling and animating water, waves, and oceanscapes; rapid, stable dynamics for water and gas animation; procedural and physics-based approaches for modeling smoke and steam; procedural volumetric techniques for modeling and animating clouds; grammar-based techniques for modeling plants and plant ecosystems; and fractal techniques for simulating mountainous landscapes.


Overview Page: