“Procedural Modeling and Animation Techniques” by Hart, Musgrave, Perlin, Sims and Wyvill

  • ©John C. Hart, F. Kenton Musgrave, Ken Perlin, Karl Sims, and Brian Wyvill



Entry Number: 10


    Procedural Modeling and Animation Techniques

Course Organizer(s):



    This course imparts a working knowledge of several procedural approaches in modeling, shading, and animation. The procedural approaches presented include solid textures, hypertextures, volume density functions, character animation, fractals, artificial evolution, L-systems, and implicit surfaces. The course provides participants with details that are normally omitted from technical papers, including useful and practical guidelines for selecting parameter values. The course will start with an overview of different procedural techniques and how they interrelate. An in-depth description of basic primitive functions used will be presented, including noise and turbulence functions and their implementation. After the introduction, the course will follow a progression in the use of procedural techniques from solid texturing to hypertextures. Extensions of hypertextures, including gas, liquid, and fire volume density functions will be presented. Animations using these techniques will also be presented. Procedural animation techniques for creating real-time responsive animated characters will be explored and demonstrated. Procedural modeling techniques will be explored further with presentations on modeling with implicit surfaces, fBm, IFS, L-systems, and procedural geometric instancing. The course will then describe fractal applications and their relationship to the other procedural techniques. An ‘‘automated’’ procedural approach, artificial evolution, will be presented, in contrast to the manual techniques described earlier in the course. The usefulness of this approach for texturing and object modeling will be explored. The course will conclude with a panel session for discussing tricks of the trade, common pitfalls, and future directions.   



Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Maxine Brown


    In the collection of Maxine Brown

Overview Page: