John C. Hart
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- University of Illinois at Chicago, Assistant Professor
Other / Past Affiliation(s):
- Washington State University
John C. Hart is an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Washington State University. Hart received his B.S. in Computer Science from Aurora University, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science in the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He also interned in Alan Norton’s group at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and at AT&T Pixel Machines (R.I.P.).
Dr. Hart’s research, funded by the NSF and Intel, focuses on the relationship between fractal geometry and geometric design, producing both new techniques for implicit surface modeling as well as extending the geometric theory for fractal modeling. ‘‘unNatural Phenomena’’ (one of four animations he has produced based on his fractal modeling algorithms) appeared in the SIGGRAPH ’91 Electronic Theater, ABC’s ‘‘Prime Time Live’’ and Miramar’s ‘‘Beyond the Mind’s Eye.’’ He also consulted for Kleiser-Walczak on a new fractal transition appearing in a multimedia show at the Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas. Dr. Hart is a member of ACM, SIGGRAPH and the IEEE Computer Society. At the time of this writing, he serves on the SIGGRAPH Executive Committee as a Director-at-Large, and is a candidate for Director of Communications.
John C. Hart is an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Washington State University. Hart received his B.S. in Computer Science from Aurora University, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago. There, he studied fractals in computer graphics as a research assistant in the Electronic Visualization Laboratory, and in 1992, as a postdoctoral research associate jointly with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. As a graduate student, he interned summers in Alan Norton’s group at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and at AT&T Pixel Machines (R.I.P.), and recently consulted for Kleiser-Walczak on the “Luxor” project.
Dr. Hart’s research interests currently focus on the relationship between fractal geometry and geometric design, producing both new techniques for implicit surface modeling as well as extending the geometric theory for fractal modeling. He has produced four animations based on his fractal modeling algorithms, one of which (unnatural Phenomena) appeared in the SIGGRAPH ’91 Electronic Theater, ABC’s “PrimeTime Live” and Miramar’s “Beyond the Mind’s Eye.”
With Ken Musgrave, Hart co-organized an advanced fractals course for SIGGRAPH ’91, and has since lectured in SIGGRAPH courses on fractals and implicit surfaces. Hart is a member of the ACM and SIGGRAPH, has guest edited special issues of the Communications of the ACM and the SIGGRAPH Video Review, and was a member of the SIGGRAPH ’94 Electronic Media Committee.
John is an assistant professor at Washington State University. He received his M S and PhD through the Electronic VisualizatIon Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago. Although his graduate research focused on 3D fractals, John is currently researching general implicit surface applications.
Mr. Hart is a Ph.D. “wanna-be” in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department of the University of Illinois at Chicago. He received his M.S in Computer Science at UIC 10 1989 and his B.S. in Computer Science at Aurora University in 1987. Since 1988, he has been a member of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at UIC where he researches the modeling, rendering and animation of 3-D deterministic fractals. He interned at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in 1989 and at AT&T Pixel Machines in 1990. He is currently funded under a UIC Graduate College student fellowship. He will serve his post-doctorate at the EVL in 1991-92 and will become a father in October 1991.
Course Organizer:
- SIGGRAPH 1991, "Fractal Modeling in 3D Computer Graphics and Imaging"
- SIGGRAPH 1994, "New Directions for Fractal Modeling in Computer Graphics"
- SIGGRAPH 1996, "Fractal Models for Image Synthesis, Compression, and Analysis"
- SIGGRAPH 1997, "New Frontiers in Modeling and Texturing"
- SIGGRAPH 1998, "Procedural Implicit Techniques for Modeling and Texturing"
Experience Category: Organizing Committee Member:
Learning Category: Organizing Committee Member:
Learning Category: Jury Member:
Artwork Collaboration(s):
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Technical Papers]
Feature-Preserving Triangular Geometry 1mages for Level-of-Detail Representation of Static and Skinned Meshes Presenter(s): [Feng] [Kim] [Yu] [Peng] [Hart]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Detail preserving shape deformation in image editing Presenter(s): [Fang] [Hart]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Spectral surface quadrangulation Presenter(s): [Dong] [Bremer] [Garland] [Pascucci] [Hart]
Type: [Courses]
GPU Shading and Rendering Organizer(s): [Olano]
Presenter(s): [Bleiweiss] [Gritz] [Hart] [Kilgard] [McCool] [Sander]
Entry No.: [37]
Type: [Courses]
Modern Techniques for Implicit Modeling Organizer(s): [O'Brien] [Yoo]
Presenter(s): [Du] [Alexa] [Hart]
Entry No.: [13]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Fair morse functions for extracting the topological structure of a surface mesh Presenter(s): [Ni] [Garland] [Hart]
Type: [Courses]
Real-Time Shading Organizer(s): [Olano]
Presenter(s): [Olano] [Akeley] [Hart] [Heidrich] [McCool] [Mitchell] [Rost]
Entry No.: [01]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Textureshop: texture synthesis as a photograph editing tool Presenter(s): [Fang] [Hart]
Type: [Courses]
Beyond Blobs: Recent Advances in Implicit Surfaces Organizer(s): [Turk] [Yoo]
Presenter(s): [Turk] [Yoo] [Bloomenthal] [Dinh] [Hart] [Whitaker]
Entry No.: [13]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Clustered principal components for precomputed radiance transfer Presenter(s): [Sloan] [Hall] [Hart] [Snyder]
Type: [Courses]
Real-Time Shading Organizer(s): [Olano]
Presenter(s): [Olano] [Akeley] [Hart] [Heidrich] [Mark] [Mitchell] [Rost]
Entry No.: [07]
Type: [Courses]
Beyond Blobs: Recent Advances in Implicit Surfaces Organizer(s): [Yoo] [Turk]
Presenter(s): [Yoo] [Turk] [Dinh] [Hart] [O'Brien] [Whitaker]
Entry No.: [29]
Type: [Courses]
Real-Time Shading Languages Organizer(s): [Olano]
Presenter(s): [Olano] [Hart] [Heidrich] [Mark] [Perlin]
Entry No.: [36]
Type: [Courses]
Real-Time Shading Organizer(s): [Olano]
Presenter(s): [Olano] [Hart] [Heidrich] [Lindholm] [McCool] [Mark] [Perlin]
Entry No.: [24]
Type: [Courses]
Approaches for Procedural Shading on Graphics Hardware Organizer(s): [Olano]
Presenter(s): [Olano] [Hart] [Heidrich] [McCool] [Mark] [Proudfoot]
Entry No.: [27]
Type: [Courses]
Procedural Implicit Techniques for Modeling and Texturing Organizer(s): [Ebert] [Hart]
Presenter(s): [Ebert] [Hart] [Bloomenthal] [Fleischer] [Heckbert] [Pedersen]
Entry No.: [16]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Guaranteeing the topology of an implicit surface polygonization for interactive modeling Presenter(s): [Stander] [Hart]
Type: [Courses]
New Frontiers in Modeling and Texturing Organizer(s): [Hart] [Ebert]
Presenter(s): [Hart] [Ebert] [Bloomenthal] [Heckbert] [Fleischer] [Pedersen] [Prusinkiewicz]
Entry No.: [14]
Type: [Courses]
Fractal Models for Image Synthesis, Compression, and Analysis Organizer(s): [Hart]
Presenter(s): [Hart]
Entry No.: [27]
Type: [Courses]
Implicit Surfaces for Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics Organizer(s): [Menon] [Wyvill]
Presenter(s): [Menon] [Wyvill] [Bajaj] [Bloomenthal] [Guo] [Hart] [Wyvill]
Entry No.: [11]
Type: [Courses]
Procedural Modeling and Animation Techniques Organizer(s): [Ebert]
Presenter(s): [Hart] [Musgrave] [Perlin] [Sims] [Wyvill]
Entry No.: [10]
Type: [Courses]
New Directions for Fractal Modeling in Computer Graphics Organizer(s): [Hart]
Presenter(s): [Hart] [Musgrave] [Prusinkiewicz] [Voss] [Saupe]
Entry No.: [13]
Type: [Courses]
Modeling, Visualizing, and Animating Implicit Surfaces Organizer(s): [Bloomenthal] [Wyvill]
Presenter(s): [Bloomenthal] [Wyvill] [Bajaj] [Beier] [Blinn] [Hart] [Wyvill]
Entry No.: [25]
Type: [Courses]
Fractals: From Folk Art to Hyperreality Organizer(s): [Prusinkiewicz]
Presenter(s): [Prusinkiewicz] [Fisher] [Hart] [Peitgen] [Saupe] [Voss]
Entry No.: [12]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Efficient antialiased rendering of 3-D linear fractals Presenter(s): [Hart] [DeFanti]
Type: [Courses]
Fractal Modeling in 3D Computer Graphics and Imaging Organizer(s): [Hart] [Musgrave]
Presenter(s): [Wuorinen] [Hart] [Musgrave] [Mandelbrot] [Norton] [Saupe] [Prusinkiewicz]
Entry No.: [14]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Generalized implicit functions for computer graphics Presenter(s): [DeFanti] [Hart]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Ray tracing deterministic 3-D fractals Presenter(s): [Hart] [Sandin] [Kauffman]
- Art Show Artist
- Computer Animation Organizing Committee Member
- Course Organizer
- Course Presenter
- Talk (Sketch) Presenter
- Talks (Sketches) Jury Member
- Technical Paper Presenter
- Technical Papers Jury Member