Randi J. Rost

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Digital Equipment Corporation, Principal Engineer

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Kubota Pacific Computer, Inc
  • 3Dlabs


  • SIGGRAPH 1999

    Randi Rost has managed the Multimedia Graphics Group at 3Dlabs, Inc. (formerly Dynamic Pictures) since October ’97. This group is currently responsible for adding performance optimizations to the geometry pipeline for the 3Dlabs graphics display drivers, including 3DNow! and Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) optimizations. Prior to joining 3dlabs, Randi was a graphics software architect for Hewlett-Packard’s Graphics Software Lab and was responsible for leading Hewlett-Packard’s graphics software efforts in the areas of imaging and volume rendering. Prior to joining Hewlett-Packard, he was chief architect for graphics software at Kubota Graphics Corporation. There he was responsible for leading KGCs efforts to design and implement a rich and Flexible software environment for KGC’s line of high-performance graphics and imaging systems. Randi has participated in emerging graphics standards efforts for almost ten years. He was one of the chief architects for PEX and served as the PEX document editor for the first four years of the effort. He participated in the design of OpenGL and was an OpenGL Architecture Review Board member for six years, and was a member of !the Olympics Performance Characterization (GPC) Committee during the development of the Picture-Level Benchmark (PLB). He received NCGA’s 1993 Achievement Award for the Advancement of Graphics Standards. Randi has previously participated in SIGGRAPH tutorials on PEX and evaluating graphics workstations, was the course organizer for tutorials on large model visualization at SIGGRAPH ’93, and was the course organizer for tutorials on OpenGL at SIGGRAPH ’92, ’93, and ’94 and at Eurographics ’94.  

    SIGGRAPH 1993

    Randi Rost is chief architect for graphics software at Kubota Pacific Computer Inc. He is responsible for leading KPC’s efforts to design and implement a rich and flexible software environment for KPC’s line of high-performance graphics and imaging systems. In addition Randi is responsible for participating in emerging graphics standards efforts and developing technology relationships with other organizations. He was one of the chief architects for PEX and served as the PEX document editor for the first four years of the effort. He participated in the design of OpenGL as well as the design of the GPC committee’s Picture Level Benchmark. He received NCGA’s 1991 Achievement Award for the Advancement of Graphics Standards. Randi has previously participated in SIGGRAPH tutorials on PEX and evaluating graphics workstations and was the course organizer for the SIGGRAPH 92 tutorial on OpenGL.

    SIGGRAPH 1991

    Randi Rost is a principal engineer and has worked in Digital’s Workstations Systems Engineering organization as a member of the Advanced Technology Development group for the past five years. Randi has been Digital’s representative to the Graphics Performance Characterization (GPC) Committee for the past three years. He is one of the chief architects of PEX, the 3D graphics extension to the X Window System. He is also the author of the “X and Motif Quick Reference Guide” from Digital Press and has published several other papers on X, PEX, and 3D graphics. He holds a BS in Computer Science/Math from Mankato (MN) State University and an MS in Computing Science from the University of California at Davis/Livermore.  

    SIGGRAPH 1990

    Randi Rost is a principal engineer in the Workstation Systems Engineering group at Digital Equipment Corp. and has been with Digital since 1986. He is a co-architect of PEX, a member of the PEX Architecture Team, and document editor for the PEX specification documents. He received his B.S. degree in Computer Science/Math from Mankato (MN) State University in 1981, and received his M.S. in Computing Science from the University of California/Davis in 1983.  



Course Organizer:


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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