Marty Hess

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Sun Microsystems


  • SIGGRAPH1990

    Marty Hess has been a member of Sun’s Graphics Standards Department since early 1987. He is a member of the original multi-vendor architecture team that designed PEX – the PHIGS (and PHIGS-PLUS) Extension to X. Marty is the manager responsible for the design and development of the PEX Sample Implementation (PEX-SI) to be distributed to the public through the X Consortium at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    Marty has been involved in computer graphics for twelve years in the areas of MCAD, ECAD, business graphics, and graphics standards. He holds a BSE in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan.  

Course Organizer:

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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