“Ray tracing deterministic 3-D fractals” by Hart, Sandin and Kauffman

  • ©John C. Hart, Daniel (Dan) J. Sandin, and Louis Kauffman




    Ray tracing deterministic 3-D fractals



    As shown in 1982, Julia sets of quadratic functions as well as many other deterministic fractals exist in spaces of higher dimensionality than the complex plane. Originally a boundary-tracking algorithm was used to view these structures but required a large amount of storage space to operate. By ray tracing these objects, the storage facilities of a graphics workstation frame buffer are sufficient. A short discussion of a specific set of 3-D deterministic fractals precedes a full description of a ray-tracing algorithm applied to these objects. A comparison with the boundary-tracking method and applications to other 3-D deterministic fractals are also included.


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