“Real-Time Shading” by Olano, Hart, Heidrich, Lindholm, McCool, et al. …

  • ©Marc Olano, John C. Hart, Wolfgang Heidrich, Erik Lindholm, Michael D. McCool, Bill Mark, and Ken Perlin



Entry Number: 24


    Real-Time Shading

Course Organizer(s):



    Working knowledge of a modern real-time graphics API like OpenGL. Familiarity with the concepts of procedural shading.

    How interactive procedural shading can be implemented using advanced programmable hardware, with more modest extensions to graphics hardware, or even on existing graphics hardware. SIMD rendering hardware, parameterized and procedural solid texturing, hardware extensions, multi-pass rendering, and new graphics APIs.

    Formerly titled Approaches for Procedural Shading on Graphics Hardware, this course explains the techniques behind shading on current and future graphics hardware, from full procedural shading on advanced specialized hardware to limited, yet still surprisingly flexible, shading on unextended OpenGL, to the latest in PC graphics accelerators. Attendees see several systems in action and learn the basic techniques in a series of technology overviews.


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