Jai Menon

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Project Lead


  • SIGGRAPH 1996

    Jai P. Menon is a Project Leader at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, where he currently manages R&D on geometry-based and image-based graphics systems – the (IBM 3D Interaction Accelerator) and (IBM SurroundVR) respectively – with a focus on PC platforms. Menon received his B.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi), his M.S. and Ph.D. from Cornell University, and joined IBM Research immediately after. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the New York Polytechnic University. He serves on an industrial advisory board at the University of Wisconsin (Madison), and is a member of a doctoral thesis committee at SUNY (Stony Brook).

    Menon’s research interests lie in four broad areas. His work on \implicit surfaces” has focused on algebraic patches, where he has pioneered their use in exact CSG schemes. In his work on “massively parallel processing” for solid modeling, he has developed (in collaboration with Cornell and Duke Universities) custom-VLSI RayCasting Engine (RCE) and ray-rep technologies to support hitherto intractable applications, such as general sweeps, and Minkowski operations. His work in “manufacturing” has produced the P2NC automatic verification system (from Cornell) for Numerical Control (NC) machining programs. His work on “polyhedral  graphics” (at IBM) has resulted in two releases of the IBM 3D Interaction Accelerator (3DIX) product for real-time visualization of and communication with complex (multi-million polygon) databases. He has authored several patents and has received several IBM awards for his work on the 3DIX system. He has participated in the production of IBM TV Olympic commercials aired on ABC, NBC, and so forth.

    Menon has published a number of papers in all these areas. He serves as an area chair at the 1996 ASME Design for Manufacturing Conference, and is general co-chair at the 1997 conference. He has been invited to the editorial board of the International Journal of Manufacturing Engineering and will be a guest editor for the Computer-Aided Design journal. He serves on an ASME Executive Committee, and is a member of Phi Kappa Phi, ACM, SIGGRAPH and the IEEE Computer Society.  


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