Dietmar Saupe

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Bremen University

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Universitat Freiburg


  • SIGGRAPH 1994

    Dietmar Saupe was born in 19.54 in Bremen. Dr. rer. nat. in Mathematics 1982, at the University of Bremen. Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, 1985-87, and from 1987 to 1993, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Bremen, where he was a researcher at the Center for Complex Systems and Visualization. He is now at the Institute für Informatik at the Universitāt Freiburg, Germany.

    Dr. Saupe’s interests are in mathematical computer graphics, experimental mathematics, and scientific visualization. He has been involved in several past SIGGRAPH courses on fractals, and has chaired them from 1988 to 1991. He is coauthor/coeditor of “The Science  of Fractal Images,” 1988, and “Fractals for the Classroom” 1991/92, both from Springer- Verlag. He is one of the contributors to the exhibit “Frontiers of Chaos,” which was shown  worldwide under the auspices of the Goethe-Institute. Dr. Saupe is a member of the ACM and SIGGRAPH.

    SIGGRAPH 1990

    Dietmar Saupe (Course chair). *1954 in Bremen, Germany. Dr. rer. nat. in Mathematics, 1982 at the University of Bremen. Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, 1985-87 and since 1987 Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Bremen. There he is a researcher at the Dynamical Systems Graphics Laboratory with main interests in mathematical computer graphics and experimental mathematics. He has been involved in several past SIGGRAPH courses on fractals, as the course chair in 1988 and 89 and as the coauthor/coeditor of “The Science of Fractal Images,” 1988, and “Fractals for the Classroom,” 1990, both from Springer-Verlag. He is one of the contributors to the exhibit “Frontiers of Chaos” which is being shown worldwide under the auspices of the Goethe-Institute. Dr. Saupe is a member of the ACM and SIGGRAPH.  


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