
    Welcome to the SIGGRAPH ’90 Film and Video Theater

    SIGGRAPH screenings of film and video began over 10 years ago as a small group of animation and graphics enthusiasts huddled around a VTR and monitor sharing their latest work. Evening shows became part of the conference after several years and just a few years ago, Animation Screenings were added to increase the opportunity for all of us to share an expanded scope of material. Today, the evening show has evolved into the tradition of the Film and Video Theater- the international premier showcase for computer animation and graphics. The Animation Screenings are presented on a daily basis in their own theater, as well as in a ‘cafe’ area with VCR and monitor for a more casual atmosphere. This year we are pleased to institute the ‘Open Deck’ to allow those with work that wasn’t completed by the jury deadline to show their latest creative efforts to small groups and to keep that original spirit of sharing at SIGGRAPH alive and well!

    I believe it’s important as we grow that we don’t lose sight of our beginnings, and while the venue may change, our goal of sharing the very best work by creative people from all areas of interest must be maintained and enhanced. Our role and direction this year has been to emphasize the possibilities that exist to submit an entry to SIGGRAPH; to encourage those internationally with a variety of computer resources to get involved and become part of the program!

Film and Video Theater Chair:

Creative Director:

Subcommittee Member(s):

Jury Member(s):


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