“Advanced Topics in Ray Tracing” Chaired by Andrew Glassner

  • ©Andrew Glassner, James (Jim) Arvo, Roy A. Hall, James (Jim) T. Kajiya, Don Mitchell, and John R. Wallace



Entry Number: 24


    Advanced Topics in Ray Tracing

Course Organizer(s):



    Course Description

    This course details color phenomena and photo­metry, offering a more complete understanding of the basic ray tracing algorithm and its limitations. It provides attendees an understanding of ray tracing assumptions and allows attendees to appropriately apply ray tracing and understand its theoretical limits.

    Lecturers bring attendees up to date on the frontiers of ray tracing research, discussing the combination of ray tracing and radiosity. They show the power and use of ray tracing for purposes other than direct image synthesis, and discuss modeling and animation techniques that use ray tracing mechanisms in non-obvious ways to achieve surprising results, and discuss the frontiers of ray tracing.

Overview Page: