Roger F. Malina
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Leonardo/ISAST, Leonardo Education Forum
Roger Malina is Distinguished Professor of Art and Technology, and Professor of Physics, at the University of Texas at Dallas where he is the Associate Director of ATEC. He has been Executive Editor of the Leonardo Publications at MIT Press since 1982. A space scientist, he served as director of the Observatoire Astronomique de Marseille Provence and NASA researcher. Recently, he chaired the NSF study: Steps to an Ecology of Networked Knowledge and Innovation: Enabling new forms of collaboration among sciences, engineering, arts, and design which identified key mechanisms for enabling new forms of collaborations between the arts and sciences.
Art Paper(s):
Type: Art Paper
Author(s): Malina
Conference: SIGGRAPH 1989: Art Show
Type: Art Paper
Author(s): Malina
Conference: SIGGRAPH 1990: Digital Image-Digital Cinema
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Panels]
Cultivating Creative Thinking: Stories from the Field Presenter(s): [Dietz] [Haley] [Malina] [Raskar]
Entry No.: [07]
Type: [Posters]
Network for sciences, engineering, arts and design Presenter(s): [Lafayette] [Rikakis] [Cox] [Nadarajan] [Strohecker] [Jennings] [Wardrip-Fruin] [Malina] [Brown] [Gibb]
Type: [Panels]
20XX.EDU: Grand Challenges in Education (Part 1) Presenter(s): [Barr] [Malina] [Goldberg] [Allen] [Jennings] [Cunningham] [Entis]
Entry No.: [04]
Type: [Panels]
20XX.EDU: Grand Challenges in Education (Part 2) Presenter(s): [Barr] [Cox] [Foley] [van Dam] [Vesna] [Malina]
Entry No.: [05]
Type: [Art Papers & Presentations]
Digital Image-Digital Cinema: The Work of Art in the Age of Post-Mechanical Reproduction Presenter(s): [Malina]
Type: [Art Papers & Presentations]
Computer Art in the Context of the Journal Leonardo Presenter(s): [Malina]