Anne Seidman

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Moore College of Art


  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 1990

    Anne Seidman received a Master in Fine Arts in 1976 and taught painting and drawing before receiving a Masters in Computer Animation in 1986. Her animations, “Ghoti” and “The Blue Chair” were collaborative efforts with others that were researching and studying at The Advanced Computing Center for Art and Design. The animations were studies of evolutionary painterly spaces. Recently she has been creating static 2-D images using a pen plotter and is currently teaching computer graphics at the Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia.  

    SIGGRAPH 1989

    Anne Seidman received a Master in Fine Arts in 1976 and taught painting and drawing before receiving a Masters in Computer Animation in 1966. Her animations, “Ghoti” and “The Blue Chair” were collaborative efforts with others that were researching and studying at The Advanced Computing Center for Art and Design. The animations were studies of evolutionary painterly spaces. Recently she has been creating static 2-d images using a pen plotter and is currently teaching Computer Graphics at the Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia  




Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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