“Extended free-form deformation: a sculpturing tool for 3D geometric modeling” by Coquillart

  • ©Sabine Coquillart




    Extended free-form deformation: a sculpturing tool for 3D geometric modeling

Session/Category Title:   Interaction




    Current research efforts focus on providing more efficient and effective design methods for 3D modeling systems. In this paper a new deformation technique is presented. Among other things, arbitrarily shaped bumps can be designed and surfaces can be bent along arbitrarily shaped curves.The purpose of this research is to define a highly interactive and intuitive modeling technique for designers and stylists. A natural way of thinking is to mimic traditional trades, such as sculpturing and moulding.Furthermore, with this deformation technique, the modeling tool paradigm is introduced. The object is deformed with a user-defined deformation tool.This method is an extension of the Free-Form Deformation (FFD) technique proposed by Sederberg and Parry [17].


    1. A. H. Burr. Global and Local Deformations of Solid Primitives. In SIGGRAPH’84, volume 18, pages 21- 30. ACM, July 1984.
    2. W.E. Carlson. Techniques for the Generation of Three Dimensional Data for Use in Complex Image Synthesis. PhD thesis, Ohio State University, 1982.
    3. J.E. Chadwick, D.R. Haumann, and R.E. Parent. Layered Construction for Deformable Animated Characters. In SIGGRAPH’89, volume 23, pages 243-252. ACM, 1989.
    4. J.H. Clark. Parametric curves, surfaces and volumes in computer graphics and computer-aided geometric design. Technical Report 221, Stanford University, 1981.
    5. B.S. Cobb. Design of Sculptured Surfaces Using the B-Spline Representation. PhD thesis, University of Utah, June 1984.
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    7. J.P. Duncan and G.W. Vickers. Simplified Method for Interactive Adjustment of Surfaces. Computer Aided Design, 12(6):305-308, November 1980.
    8. D.R. Forsey and R.H. Bartels. Hierarchical B-Spline Refinement. In SIGGRAPH’88, volume 22, pages 205-212. ACM, August 1988.
    9. M.P. Gascuel. Welding and Pinching Spline Surfaces: New Methods for Interactive Creation of Complex Objects and Automatic Fleshing of Skeletons. in Graphics Interface’89, pages 20-27, 1989.
    10. J. Griessmair and W. Purgathofer. Deformation of Solids with Trivariate B-Splines. In EUROGRAPH- 1CS’89, pages 137-148. North-Holland, 1989.
    11. G. Luk~cs. The Generalized Inverse Matrix and the Surface-Surface Intersection Problem. In Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling, pages 167-185. Springer-Verlag.
    12. R. E. Parent. A System for Sculpting 3-D Data. In SIGGRAPH’77, volume 11, pages 138-147. ACM, July 1977.
    13. S.R. Parry. Free-Form Deformations in a Constructive Solid Geometry Modeling System. P hD thesis, Brigham Young University, 1986.
    14. L. Piegl. Modifying the Shape of Rational B-Splines. Part 1 : Curves. Computer Aided Design, 21(8):509- 518, October 1989.
    15. L. Piegl. Modifying the Shape of Rational B-Splines. Part 2 : Surfaces. Computer Aided Design, 21(9):538- 546, November 1989.
    16. T.W. Sederberg and S.R. Parry. Free-Form Deformation of Polygonal Data. in Second Image Symposium, pages 633-639. CESTA, April 1986.
    17. T.W. Sederberg and S.R. Parry. Free-Form Deformation of Solid Geometric Models. In SIGGRAPH’86, volume 20, pages 151-160. ACM, August 1986.
    18. D. Terzopoulos and K. Fleischer. Modeling Inelastic Deformation: Viscoelasticity, Plasticity, Fracture. In SIGGRAPH’88, volume 22, pages 269-278. ACM, August 1988.
    19. G.W. Vickers, J.P. Duncan, and V. Lee. Interactive Surface Adjustment of Marine Propellers. Computer Aided Design, 10(6):375-379, November 1978.
    20. J. Weil. The Synthesis of Cloth Objects. In SIG- GRAPH’86, volume 20, pages 49-54. ACM~ August 1986.

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