“Accurate rendering technique based on colorimetric conception” by Takagi, Takaoka, Oshima and Ogata

  • ©Atsushi Takagi, Hitoshi Takaoka, Tetsuya Oshima, and Yoshinori Ogata




    Accurate rendering technique based on colorimetric conception

Session/Category Title:   Lighting and Shading




    We have developed a rendering technique to generate realistic images meeting designers’ requirements by strictly analyzing various physical phenomena relevant to the appearance of actual objects.We have numerically compared the results of the calculations using this technique with colorimetry values. As a result, both values were virtually equal, so we have been able to confirm the effectiveness of the established technique.Application of this technique to car design, which has not been realized to a large extent because of severe requests for realism, will make it possible to evaluate styles and colors on a graphics display before making a clay model.


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