“Accurate triangulations of deformed, intersecting surfaces” by Von Herzen and Barr

  • ©Brian Von Herzen and Alan H. Barr




    Accurate triangulations of deformed, intersecting surfaces



    A quadtree algorithm is developed to triangulate deformed, intersecting parametric surfaces. The biggest problem with adaptive sampling is to guarantee that the triangulation is accurate within a given tolerance. A new method guarantees the accuracy of the triangulation, given a “Lipschitz” condition on the surface definition. The method constructs a hierarchical set of bounding volumes for the surface, useful for ray tracing and solid modeling operations. The task of adaptively sampling a surface is broken into two parts: a subdivision mechanism for recursively subdividing a surface, and a set of subdivision criteria for controlling the subdivision process.An adaptive sampling technique is said to be robust if it accurately represents the surface being sampled. A new type of quadtree, called a restricted quadtree, is more robust than the traditional unrestricted quadtree at adaptive sampling of parametric surfaces. Each sub-region in the quadtree is half the width of the previous region. The restricted quadtree requires that adjacent regions be the same width within a factor of two, while the traditional quadtree makes no restriction on neighbor width. Restricted surface quadtrees are effective at recursively sampling a parametric surface. Quadtree samples are concentrated in regions of high curvature, and along intersection boundaries, using several subdivision criteria. Silhouette subdivision improves the accuracy of the silhouette boundary when a viewing transformation is available at sampling time. The adaptive sampling method is more robust than uniform sampling, and can be more efficient at rendering deformed, intersecting parametric surfaces.


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