Gregory J. Ward

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Sunnybrook Technologies, Dolby Laboratories, Staff Scientist

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Exponent
  • Anyhere Software
  • Dolby Laboratories


  • SIGGRAPH 2008

    Greg Ward is a pioneer in the HDR space, having developed the first widely-used high dynamic range image file format in 1986 as part of the RADIANCE lighting simulation  system. Since then, he has developed the LogLuv TIFF HDR image format, the JPEG- HDR format, and authored the application Photosphere, an HDR image builder and  browsing program. More recently, he has been involved with Dolby Canada’s HDR display developments, which employ dual modulators to show colors 30 times as bright and ten times as dark as conventional monitors. Working in the computer graphics research community for over 20 years, he has developed rendering algorithms, reflectance models and measurement systems, tone reproduction operators, HDR image processing techniques, and photo printer calibration methods. His past employers include the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, EPFL Switzerland, SGI, Shutterfly, Exponent, and BrightSide Technologies. Greg holds a bachelor’s in Physics from UC Berkeley and a master’s in Computer Science from SF State University. He is currently working as a consultant in Albany, California.  

    SIGGRAPH 1996

    Greg Ward is a staff scientist at the Lighting Systems Research Group at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. He graduated with a B. S. in Physics in 1983 from the University of California at Berkeley, and earned his Master’s (1985) in Computer Science from San Francisco State University. His professional interests include physically based rendering, global and local illumination, luminaire simulation, electronic data standards, and lighting-related energy and environmental conservation issues. Greg has published numerous papers in computer graphics (including four SIGGRAPH papers) and illumination engineering. He is the chief architect of the widely used RADIANCE software system for the analysis and visualization of lighting in architectural design. He is a member of the IESNA Computer Committee, and he was a speaker for the SIGGRAPH ‘95 course, “Realistic Input for Realistic Images.” He is also writing a book for John Wiley & Sons, called The RADIANCE Book.  

    SIGGRAPH 1995

    Greg Ward is a staff scientist at the Lighting Systems Research Group at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. He graduated With a BS in Physics in 1983 from the University of California at Berkeley, and earned his Master’s (1985) in Computer Science from San Francisco State University. His professional interests include physically-based rendering, global and local illumination, luminaire simulation, electronic data standards, and lighting-related energy and environmental conservation issues. Greg has published numerous papers in computer graphics (including four SIGGRAPH papers) and illumination engineering. He is the chief architect of the widely used RADIANCE software system for the analysis and visualization of lighting in architectural design. He also has a U.S patent pending on an imaging gonioreflectometer for the measurement of reflectance in architectural materials.

    SIGGRAPH 1992

    Greg Ward is a staff scientist in the Lighting Systems Research Group at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. He graduated in Physics from the University of California, Berkeley, and earned his Masters in Computer Science from San Francisco State University. 

Experience Category: Jury Member:

Learning Category: Jury Member:



Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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