John Mardaljevic

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  • SIGGRAPH 1998

    John Mardaljevic is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development De Montfort University Leicester, UK. He received his BSc (1982) on Physics and an M Phil (1988) on Astrophysics both from the University of Leicester. In 1990 he took up a Research Assistant post with De Montfort University. His first work there was on a project to assess dynamic thermal simulation programs for passive solar design. In 1991 he began to look onto daylighting design tools for complex spaces on particular atrium buildings. The Radiance system seemed particularly well suited to coping with modem atria e.g. complex designs with a large number of specular or semi specular reflecting surfaces. As data from the International Daylight Measurement Program became available the emphasis of John’s work shifted towards validation and novel approaches to illuminance prediction. Specifically a comparison of sky model performance based on internal illuminance predictions and the formulation implementation and validation of the daylight coefficient approach for the Radiance system. This technique offers the potential for an efficient evaluation of the internal illuminance due to any sky condition by reusing pre-computed illuminance values from a discretized sky.

    In addition to pure research John has used Radiance to create renderings and to provide design advice for various architectural projects. To date, these have included atria (daylight factor and visualization) electrically lit offices, shading analysis (a pre-process for thermal simulation programs) and the evaluation of the visibility of a large-scale video-display screen against daylight produced glare.

    Between 1993 and when he rejoined De Montfort in 1996, John worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Based at the Marine Laboratory Aberdeen he worked on oceanographic and ecosystem modeling projects. John has published papers on astrophysics, marine science, and illumination modeling. He is married and has a daughter  

    SIGGRAPH 1995

    John Mardaljevic is a research assistant with the Department of Zoology of Aberdeen University. He received his B Sc. (1982) in Physics and an M.Phil (1988) in Astronomy from Leicester University, and is currently a Ph.D candidate in daylighting research at Leicester University. His research interests include validation of daylighting model illuminance predictions under real sky conditions, comparison of daylighting models for lighting simulation, and applications of lighting design and analysis programs to complex architectural designs for lighting and visualization studies. 

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