Ian Ashdown

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  • SIGGRAPH 1996

    Ian Ashdown is Research & Development Manager for Ledalite Architectural Products Inc. (Langley, BC), a manufacturer of linear fluorescent lighting systems. He received his B. App. Sc. (1973) in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, and worked as an electrical engineer specializing in lighting design for ten years, followed by five years as a software engineer with Glenayre Research & Development (Burnaby, BC). He has done research in nonimaging optics design, photometric methods, and image synthesis techniques at Ledalite since 1990, and has published 8 academic papers, one book (and co- authored another), and 29 articles on radiosity, illumination engineering, photometric techniques, genetic algorithms, compiler theory, numerical analysis, and other topics. Ian holds US and Canadian patents on a near-field goniophotometer, and is the author of Radiosity: A Programmer’s Perspective (Wiley, 1994). His research interests include global illumination, image synthesis, radiometry and photometry, and nonimaging optics design. His professional affiliations include the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), ACM SIGGRAPH, International Lighting Commission (CIE), Eurographics, and the IEEE Computer Society. He is a member of the IESNA Computer and Calculations Committees and the CIE Lighting Calculations Technical Committee. He chaired the SIGGRAPH ‘95 course, “Realistic Input for Realistic Images.”  

    SIGGRAPH 1995

    Ian Ashdown is Research & Development Manager for Ledalite Architectural Products Inc. (Langley, BC), a manufacturer of linear fluorescent lighting systems. He received his B.App Sc (1973) in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, and worked as an electrical engineer specializing in lighting design for ten years, followed by five years as a software engineer with Glenayre Research & Development (Burnaby, BC). He has done research in nonimaging optics design, photometric methods, and image synthesis techniques at Ledalite since 1990, and has published 6 academic papers, one book (and co-authored another), and 28 articles on radiosity, illumination engineering, photometric techniques, genetic algorithms, compiler theory, numerical analysis, and other topics.

    Ian holds a U S. patent for a near-field goniophotometer, and is the author of Radiosity A Programmer’s Perspective (Wiley, 1994). His research interests include radiosity, realistic image synthesis, radiometry and photometry, nonimaging optics design, and genetic algorithms. His professional affiliations include the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), ACM SIGGRAPH, International Lighting Commission (CIE), Eurographics, and the IEEE Computer Society. He is a member of the IESNA Computer and Calculations Committees and the CIE Lighting Calculations Technical Committee, and maintains the RADBIB radiosity bibliography on <Siggraph org> .  

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