Michael F. Cohen
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Facebook, Microsoft Research, University of Washington, Computational Photography, Assistant Professor
Other / Past Affiliation(s):
- Cornell University, Senior Researcher
- University of Utah
- Princeton University
- Seattle, Washington, United Kingdom
Dr. Michael F. Cohen, senior researcher and manager of the Microsoft graphics research group, joined Microsoft Research in 1994 from Princeton University where he was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science. Dr. Cohen received his Ph.D. in 1992 from the University of Utah. He also holds undergraduate degrees in Art and Civil Engineering from Beloit College and Rutgers University respectively, and an M.S. in Computer Graphics from Cornell. Dr. Cohen also served on the Architecture faculty at Cornell University and was an adjunct faculty member at the University of Utah. His work at the University of Utah focused on spacetime control for linked figure animation. He is perhaps better known for his work on the radiosity method for realistic image synthesis as discussed in his recent book “Radiosity and Image Synthesis” (co-authored by John R. Wallace). Dr. Cohen has published and presented his work internationally in these areas. At Microsoft, Dr. Cohen has worked on a number of projects, including the IBMR projects “The Lumigraph” and “Layered Depth Images”. He is also involved in the “Virtual Cinematographer” project to create automatic camera placement and sequencing of shots for interactive visual experiences, and in adding expressive refinements to the work in linked figure animation. Dr. Cohen served as the papers chair for SIGGRAPH 98, where he was also awarded the 1998 Computer Graphics Achievement Award for the development of practical radiosity methods for realistic image synthesis.
Michael F. Cohen is currently a member of the research staff at Microsoft. He came to Microsoft from Princeton University where he was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science. Michael received his PhD in 1992 from the University of Utah. He also holds undergraduate degrees in Art from Beloit College and in Civil Engineering from Rutgers University. He began his career in computer graphics at Cornell University where he received an MS in 1985. Dr. Cohen also served on the Architecture faculty at Cornell University and was an adjunct faculty member at the University of Utah. His recent work has focused on spacetime control for linked gure animation and variational modeling methods. He is perhaps better known for his work on the radiosity method for realistic image synthesis as discussed in his recent book “Radiosity and Image Synthesis” (co-authored by John R. Wallace). His current interests range from linked gure animation, to image capture and synthesis, to intelligent camera control, and image based rendering. Michael has published widely and presented his work internationally in these and other areas.
Dr. Michael Cohen is currently an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Utah, an M.S. degree from Cornell University, and undergraduate degrees from Rutgers University and Beloit College. From 1985-1988, he was on the faculty of the Program of Computer Graphics at Cornell University where he conducted research in the area of realistic image synthesis, in particular, the development of the Radiosity Method. He has also made contributions in the area of physically based animation of linked figures. Prof. Cohen is an author (with John Wallace) of the recent book, “Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis”. Current interests include constrained optimization for animation, image synthesis, CAGD, and scientific visualization.
Mr. Cohen is a Masters Student in computer visualization at the University of Illinois, Chicago. He is an advanced “C” and UNIX programmer. Mr. Cohen’s studies include advanced visualization techniques in business applications. He has worked for over a year with Dr. Jarett in researching the parallel coordinate geometry required to develop “N” View. His masters thesis is tentatively defined to include the research he performed working on this project.
Learning Category: Organizing Committee Chair:
Course Organizer:
Learning Category: Organizing Committee Member:
Learning Category: Jury Member:
- SIGGRAPH 2019 Steven Anson Coons Award: Cohen
- SIGGRAPH 1998 Computer Graphics Achievement Award: Cohen
Type: [Studio (SIGGRAPH Labs)]
One Shot 3D Photography
Organizer(s): [Kopf] [Matzen] [Alsisan] [Quigley] [Ge] [Chong] [Patterson] [Frahm] [Wu] [Yu] [Zhang] [He] [Vajda] [Saraf] [Cohen]
Type: [Studio (SIGGRAPH Labs)]
Making the GigaPixelArtZoom
Organizer(s): [Cohen] [Uyttendaele] [Stolnitz]
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Technical Papers]
One Shot 3D Photography Presenter(s): [Kopf] [Matzen] [Alsisan] [Quigley] [Ge] [Chong] [Patterson] [Frahm] [Wu] [Yu] [Zhang] [He] [Vajda] [Saraf] [Cohen]
Type: [Technical Papers]
GradientShop: A Gradient-Domain Optimization Framework for Image and Video Filtering Presenter(s): [Bhat] [Zitnick] [Cohen] [Curless]
Type: [Posters]
Long-term memory retention and recall of collected personal memories Presenter(s): [Gyorbiro] [Larkin] [Cohen]
Entry No.: [90]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Capturing and viewing gigapixel images Presenter(s): [Kopf] [Uyttendaele] [Deussen] [Cohen]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Soft scissors: an interactive tool for realtime high quality matting Presenter(s): [Wang] [Agrawala] [Cohen]
Type: [Talks (Sketches)]
Simultaneous matting and compositing Presenter(s): [Wang] [Cohen]
Type: [Technical Papers]
The cartoon animation filter Presenter(s): [Wang] [Drucker] [Agrawala] [Cohen]
Type: [Talks (Sketches)]
Inside Interactive Video Cutout Presenter(s): [Bhat] [Wang] [Colburn] [Agrawala] [Cohen]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Interactive video cutout Presenter(s): [Wang] [Bhat] [Colburn] [Agrawala] [Cohen]
Type: [Talks (Sketches)]
Stylizing 2.5-D Video Presenter(s): [Snavely] [Zitnick] [Kang] [Cohen]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Wang Tiles for image and texture generation Presenter(s): [Cohen] [Shade] [Hiller] [Deussen]
Type: [Courses]
Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting Presenter(s): [Bregler] [Cohen] [Szeliski] [McMillan] [Sillion]
Entry No.: [35]
Type: [Talks (Sketches)]
The Role of Eye Gaze in Avatar-Mediated Conversational Interfaces Presenter(s): [Colburn] [Drucker] [Cohen]
Type: [Courses]
Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting Presenter(s): [Bregler] [Cohen] [Szeliski] [McMillan] [Sillion]
Entry No.: [39]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Efficient generation of motion transitions using spacetime constraints Presenter(s): [Rose] [Guenter] [Bodenheimer] [Cohen]
Type: [Technical Papers]
The lumigraph Presenter(s): [Gortler] [Grzeszczuk] [Szeliski] [Cohen]
Type: [Technical Papers]
The virtual cinematographer: a paradigm for automatic real-time camera control and directing Presenter(s): [He] [Cohen] [Salesin]
Type: [Courses]
Wavelets in Computer Graphics Organizer(s): [Schröder] [Sweldens]
Presenter(s): [Schröder] [Sweldens] [DeRose] [Cohen] [Salesin]
Entry No.: [13]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Accelerated MPEG compression of dynamic polygonal scenes Presenter(s): [Wallach] [Kunapalli] [Cohen]
Type: [Courses]
Advanced Topics in Radiosity Organizer(s): [Rushmeier]
Presenter(s): [Rushmeier] [Cohen] [Lischinski] [Schröder] [Shirley] [Teller]
Entry No.: [28]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Hierarchical spacetime control Presenter(s): [Liu] [Gortler] [Cohen]
Type: [Panels]
Optimization - An Emerging Tool in Computer Graphics Organizer(s): [Marks]
Presenter(s): [Cohen] [Ngo] [Shieber] [Snyder]
Entry No.: [07]
Type: [Courses]
Making Radiosity Practical Organizer(s): [Rushmeier]
Presenter(s): [Rushmeier] [Borel] [Cohen] [Dorsey] [Hanrahan] [Mckeller] [Recker] [Sillion] [Wallace] [Zembrot]
Entry No.: [22]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Radioptimization: goal based rendering Presenter(s): [Kawai] [Painter] [Cohen]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Wavelet radiosity Presenter(s): [Gortler] [Schröder] [Cohen] [Hanrahan]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Interactive spacetime control for animation Presenter(s): [Cohen]
Type: [Courses]
Radiosity Organizer(s): [Cohen]
Presenter(s): [Cohen] [Campbell] [Greenberg] [Hanrahan] [Rushmeier] [Sillion] [Wallace]
Entry No.: [11]
Type: [Courses]
Motion Synthesis, Planning, and Control Organizer(s): [Puech]
Presenter(s): [Baraff] [Cohen] [Latombe] [Ridsdale] [Barraquand]
Entry No.: [28]
Type: [Courses]
Radiosity Organizer(s): [Greenberg]
Presenter(s): [Greenberg] [Cohen] [Hall] [Rushmeier] [Wallace] [Ward]
Entry No.: [21]
Type: [Courses]
Radiosity Organizer(s): [Greenberg]
Presenter(s): [Greenberg] [Cohen] [Hall] [Rushmeier] [Wallace]
Entry No.: [18]
Type: [Courses]
A Consumer's and Developer's Guide to Image Synthesis Organizer(s): [Cohen]
Presenter(s): [Cohen] [Haines] [Hall] [Kajiya] [Meyer]
Entry No.: [10]
Type: [Technical Papers]
A progressive refinement approach to fast radiosity image generation Presenter(s): [Cohen] [Chen] [Wallace] [Greenberg]
Type: [Technical Papers]
A two-pass solution to the rendering equation: A synthesis of ray tracing and radiosity methods Presenter(s): [Wallace] [Cohen] [Greenberg]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Controlling dynamic simulation with kinematic constraints Presenter(s): [Isaacs] [Cohen]
Type: [Technical Papers]
A radiosity method for non-diffuse environments Presenter(s): [Immel] [Cohen] [Greenberg]
Learning Category: Moderator:
- Awardee
- Course Organizer
- Course Presenter
- Panel Moderator
- Panel Presenter
- Poster Presenter
- Studio (SIGGRAPH Lab) Presenter
- Talk (Sketch) Presenter
- Technical Paper Presenter
- Technical Papers Jury Member
- Technical Papers Organizing Committee Chair/Co-Chair