Julie Dorsey

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Yale University, Assistant Professor

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Cornell University, Professor of Computer Science


  • SIGGRAPH 2009

    Julie Dorsey is a Professor of Computer Science at Yale University, where she teaches computer graphics. She came to Yale in 2002 from MIT, where she held tenured appointments in both the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and the School of Architecture. She received undergraduate degrees in Architecture and graduate degrees in Computer Science from Cornell University.

    With architecture as a driving application, she has studied a wide range of problems in computer graphics, including sketch-based interfaces for early conceptual design, acceleration methods for real-time rendering, and the creation of detailed photorealistic renderings. Her contributions also include algorithms for lighting and acoustical design and visualization. She is particularly well known for her research in modeling the appearance of materials — for example, she pioneered techniques to model the visual richness of irregular metal patinas and eroded stone. Her current research interests include photorealistic image synthesis, material and texture models, illustration techniques, and interactive visualization of complex scenes, with an application to urban environments.

    In addition to serving on numerous conference program committees, she has served as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics and The Visual Computer, and was Papers Chair for ACM SIGGRAPH 2006. She has received several professional awards, including MIT’s Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award, a National Science Foundation CAREER Award, and an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship.  

    SIGGRAPH 2008

    Julie Dorsey is a Professor of Computer Science at Yale University, where she
    teaches computer graphics. She came to Yale in 2002 from MIT, where she held
    tenured appointments in both the Department of Electrical Engineering and
    Computer Science (EECS) and the School of Architecture. She received
    undergraduate degrees in Architecture and graduate degrees in Computer
    Science from Cornell University.

    With architecture as a driving application, she has studied a wide range
    problems in computer graphics, including sketch-based interfaces for early
    conceptual design, acceleration methods for real-time rendering, and the creation
    of detailed photorealistic renderings. Her contributions also include algorithms
    for lighting and acoustical design and visualization. She is particularly well
    known for her research in modeling the appearance of materials — for example,
    she pioneered techniques to model the visual richness of irregular metal patinas
    and eroded stone. Her current research interests include photorealistic image
    synthesis, material and texture models, illustration techniques, and interactive
    visualization of complex scenes, with an application to urban environments.

    In addition to serving on numerous conference program committees, she has
    served as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
    Graphics and The Visual Computer, and was Papers Chair for ACM SIGGRAPH
    2006. She has received several professional awards, including MIT’s Edgerton
    Faculty Achievement Award, a National Science Foundation Career Award, and
    an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship.

    SIGGRAPH 1993

    Julie Dorsey is an assistant professor of Architecture at Cornell University, where she teaches in the areas of computer graphics and computer aided design. She received an undergraduate education in architecture (BArch, BS 1987) and a graduate education in computer graphics (MS 1990, PhD 1993) at Cornell University. Her research interests include realistic image synthesis, interactive simulation, and lighting design. Address Program of Computer Graphics, 580 Engineering Theory Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, E-mail Job@graphics.cornell.edu Phone (607) 255 6713 Fax (607) 255 0806  

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