“A procedural approach to authoring solid models”

  • ©Barbara Cutler, Julie Dorsey, Leonard McMillan, Matthias Müller-Fischer, and Robert Jagnow

  • ©Barbara Cutler, Julie Dorsey, Leonard McMillan, Matthias Müller-Fischer, and Robert Jagnow




    A procedural approach to authoring solid models



    We present a procedural approach to authoring layered, solid models. Using a simple scripting language, we define the internal structure of a volume from one or more input meshes. Sculpting and simulation operators are applied within the context of the language to shape and modify the model. Our framework treats simulation as a modeling operator rather than simply as a tool for animation, thereby suggesting a new paradigm for modeling as well as a new level of abstraction for interacting with simulation environments.Capturing real-world effects with standard modeling techniques is extremely challenging. Our key contribution is a concise procedural approach for seamlessly building and modifying complex solid geometry. We present an implementation of our language using a flexible tetrahedral representation. We show a variety of complex objects modeled in our system using tools that interface with finite element method and particle system simulations.


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