“Antialiasing of interlaced video animation” by Amanatides and Mitchell

  • ©John Amanatides and Don Mitchell




    Antialiasing of interlaced video animation

Session/Category Title:   Rendering




    The production of computer-generated video presents a number of difficulties not encountered with motion pictures. Interlaced scanning and the color subcarrier of NTSC video are responsible for special problems such as interline flicker, and chroma aliasing. As in motion pictures, temporal aliasing is also an issue. A renderer can sample and filter a moving image in an arbitrary manner and is not constrained to simply imitate the behavior of a television camera. This paper explores several different spatiotemporal antialiasing filters and how they affect the quality of video animation.


    1. “Encoding Parameters Of Digital Television For Studios”, CCIR Recommendation 601-1.
    2. Chuang, Richard, “Rendering for Television”, SIGGRAPH Tutorial, 1985.
    3. Cook, Robert L., Thomas Porter, and Loren Carpenter, “Distributed Ray Tracing”, SIGGRAPH 84, July 1984, pp 137-145.
    4. Dubois, Eric, and William F. Schreiber, “Improvements to NTSC by Multidimensional Filtering”, SMTPE Journal, June 1988, pp 446-463.
    5. Hsu, Steve C., “Motion-Induced Degradations of Temporaliy Sampled Images”, Master’s thesis, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering, June 1985.
    6. Murata, Nobuo, et al., “Development of a 3-MOS Color Camera”, SMPTE Journal, December 1983, pp 1270-1273.
    7. Mertz, Pierre, and Frank Gray, “A Theory of Scanning and Its Relation to the Characteristics of the Transmitted Signal in Telephotography and Television”, Bell System Technical Journal, July 1934, pp 464-515.
    8. Mitchell, Don P., and Arun N. Netravali, “Reconstruction Filters in Computer Graphics”, SIGGRAPH 88, August 1988, pp 221-228.
    9. Potmesil, Michael, and Indranil Chakravarty, “Modeling Motion Blur in Computer-Generated Images,” SIG- GRAPH 83, July 1983, pp 389-399.
    10. Potmesil, Michael, Eric M. Hoffert, “The Pixel Machine: A Parallel Image Computer”, SIGGRAPH 89, July 1989, pp 69-78.
    11. Tonge, G. J., “The Television Scanning Process”, SMPTE Journal, July 1984, pp 657-666.

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