“Dynamic simulation of autonomous legged locomotion” by McKenna and Zeltzer

  • ©Michael McKenna and David Zeltzer




    Dynamic simulation of autonomous legged locomotion

Session/Category Title:   Dynamics




    Accurate simulation of Newtonian mechanics is essential for simulating realistic motion of joined figures. Dynamic simulation requires, however, a large amount of computation when compared to kinematic methods, and the control of dynamic figures can be quite complex. We have implemented an efficient forward dynamic simulation algorithm for articulated figures which has a computational complexity linear in the number of joints. In addition, we present a strategy for the coordination of the locomotion of a six-legged figure – a simulated insect – which has two main components: a gait controller which sequences stepping, and motor programs which control motions of the figure by the application of forces. The simulation is capable of generating gait patterns and walking phenomena observed in nature, and our simulated insect can negotiate planar and uneven terrain in a realistic manner. The motor program techniques should be generally applicable to other control problems.


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