Douglas(Doug) Voorhies

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Apollo Computer Inc.

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Silicon Graphics Computer Systems


  • SIGGRAPH1990

    Doug Voorhies graduated from Yale(BSEE ’69) and has pursued a 20 year technical career in industry which has spanned a wide range of fields. These have included FORTRAN applications programming at Allen-Bradley, Computer Science research at MITRE, CPU design at Prim, PC word processor software at Leading Edge, graphics hardware architecture at Interwork, plus simulation hardware and graphics hardware architecture at Apollo. Most recently, he was responsible for the graphics hardware for Apollo’s DN10000VS high-end workstation. He is an author of SIGGRAPH papers entitled “Virtual Graphics” (1988) and “The Rendering Architecture of the DN10000VS”(1990).  

Learning Category: Jury Member:

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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