John Andrew Berton Jr.

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Industrial Light & Magic, Computer Graphics Supervisor


  • SIGGRAPH 2014

    JOHN ANDREW BERTON, Jr. started at the seminal CGI company Cranston Csuri Productions in 1983, joining ILM in 1990. Rising from Technical Director to CG Supervisor to Visual Effects Supervisor, John worked with Directors Stephen Sommers and Barry Sonnenfeld developing the VFX for two of the most well-loved franchises in movie history, “The Mummy” and “Men In Black” movies. He independently supervised VFX for “I, Robot,” and “Charlotte’s Web,” and had a cameo as the Split Alien Guy in “Men in Black II.” Recently John has taught at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and is currently Assistant Professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

    SIGGRAPH 1995

    John Andrew Berton, Jr. is a Computer Graphics Supervisor at Industrial Light and Magic in Marin County, California. His feature film credits include “Casper,” “Terminator2: Judgment Day” and “Star Trek VI – The Undiscovered Country.” Previous to joining ILM in 1990, Berton created computer animation and electronic music for both commercial and artistic productions, including work for Cranston/Csuri Productions, The Ohio Supercomputer Center, The Ohio State University, and mental images, GmbH. Berton holds degrees in Communication and Film, (B.A. 1977 Denison University) and in Art Education/Computer Graphics (M.A. 1984 The Ohio State University.)  

Experience Category: Jury Member:

Art Paper(s):

Artwork Collaboration(s):


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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