“Canine Vision Canada” by Brown

  • ©Kathrine Brown




    Canine Vision Canada

Program Title:




    Canine Vision Canada (CVC) is a national dog guide training facility for the blind. Based on the popularity of their annual open house and frequent guided tours, it is apparent that the public is genuinely interested in the workings of this charitable organization. Hence, this project has been developed with a “general information” application in mind. This fully-customized, interactive program documents the history, facilities, training methods and fundraising efforts of the CVC and employs an array of graphics, visual effects, games and sounds.

    The major challenge was designing a display with a broad range of appeal and entertaining trivia, while still offering in-depth knowledge on specific topics. It was also necessary to present all of the above in a compact, portable and flexible format. It must be displayed, distributed, or updated with relative ease and minimum cost. The Macinstosh SE was chosen for its size and its black and white format.

Overview Page: