Ken Anderson

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Adobe Systems Incorporated


  • SIGGRAPH 1989

    Ken Anderson is a member of the Developer Support Group at Adobe Systems; he teaches advanced courses on the POSTSCRIPT language and assists third party software developers in enhancing their applications to support the PostScript language. Ken has been involved with DISPLAY POSTSCRIPT in both the DECwindows and NeXT environments and has a background in compiler and operating system programming.

    SIGGRAPH 1990

    Ken Anderson is a member of the Developer Support Group at Adobe Systems; he teaches advanced courses on the PostScript language and assists third party software developers in enhancing their applications to support the PostScript language. Ken has been involved with Display Postscript in both the DECwindows and NeXT environments and has a background in compiler and operating system programming.  



Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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