“Artificial reality with force-feedback: development of desktop virtual space with compact master manipulator” by Iwata

  • ©Hiroo Iwata




    Artificial reality with force-feedback: development of desktop virtual space with compact master manipulator

Session/Category Title:   Interaction




    A new configuration of Human Interface for “artificial reality” is discussed. This paper describes a method of implementing force-feedback in a virtual space manipulation system. The system is composed of two subsystems, a real-time graphic display system and a tactile input device with reaction force generator. A specialized graphics computer (Stardent TITAN) provides a realtime image of the virtual space. A 9 degree-of-freedom manipulator has been developed as a tactile input device. The manipulator applies reaction forces to the fingers and palm of the operator. The generated forces are calculated from a solid model of the virtual space. The performance of the system is exemplified in manipulation of virtual solid objects such as a mockup for industrial design and a 3D animated character.


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