Scott S. Fisher

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • NASA AMES Research Center, USC School of Cinematic Arts

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Telepresence Research Inc.


  • SIGGRAPH 2023

    Scott Fisher is Professor of Media Arts + Practice in the USC School of Cinematic Arts. He is the Founding Chair of the Interactive Media Division, former Dean of Research, and Director of the Mobile & Environmental Media Lab. Fisher has worked since the early 80s to develop virtual reality and augmented reality systems at NASA’s Ames Research Center, Atari Research Labs, MIT’s Architecture Machine Group and at Keio University in Japan. As a Research Scientist at NASA Ames, his lab played a pioneering role in developing several virtual reality technologies that form the basis for products commercially available today.

    SIGGRAPH 1993

    Scott Fisher attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he held a research fellowship at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies from 1974 to 1976 and was a member of the Architecture Machine Group from 1978 to 1982. There he participated in development of the Aspen Movie Map’ surrogate travel videodisc project and several stereoscopic display systems for teleconferencing and telepresence applications. He received the Master of Science degree in Media Technology from MIT in 1981. His research interests focus primarily in stereoscopic imaging technologies, interactive display environments and the development of media technology for representing first-person sensory experience.  

    SIGGRAPH 1990

    Mr. Fisher attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he held a research fellowship at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies from 1974 to 1976 and was a member of the Architecture Machine Group from 1978 to 1982 while participating in development of the ‘Aspen Movie Map’ videodisc project and several  stereoscopic display systems for teleconferencing and telepresence applications. He received the Master of Science degree in Media Technology from MIT in 1981. His current research interests focus primarily in stereoscopic imaging technologies, interactive display environments and the development of media technology for representing ‘first-person’ sensory experience. Mr. Fisher is currently  working with other researchers at NASA to develop a multisensory  ‘virtual environment’ workstation for use in Space Station teleoperation, telepresence and automation activities. Prior to the Ames Research Center, Mr. Fisher has served as Research Scientist with Atari Corporation’s Sunnyvale Research Laboratory and has provided consulting services for several other corporations in the areas of spatial imaging and interactive display technology.  

    SIGGRAPH 1989

    Mr. Fisher attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he held a research fellowship at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies from 1974 to 1976 and was a member of the Architecture Machine Group from 1978 to 1982 while participating in development of the ‘Aspen Movie Map’ videodisc project and several stereoscopic display systems for teleconferencing and telepresence applications. He received the Master of Science degree in Media Technology from MIT in 1981. His current research interests focus primarily in stereoscopic imaging technologies, interactive display environments and the development of media technology for representing ‘first-person’ sensory experience. Mr. Fisher is currently  working with other researchers at NASA to develop a multisensory  ‘virtual environment’ workstation for use in Space Station teleoperation, telepresence and automation activities. Prior to the Ames Research Center, Mr. Fisher has served as Research Scientist with Atari Corporation’s Sunnyvale Research Laboratory and has provided consulting services for several other corporations in the areas of spatial imaging and interactive display technology.  



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