Mary C. Whitton
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- SIGGRAPH History Committee
Other / Past Affiliation(s):
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Computer Science
- Ikonas
- United States of America
Mary was a founder of Ikonas Graphics Systems (1978 — acquired by Adage 1982) and Trancept Systems (1987 — acquired by Sun Microsystems 1988). Both companies made user-programmable hardware that was widely adopted in research laboratories for graphics, high-quality rendering, image processing, and volume visualization. Mary joined the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1994 and is now Research Associate Professor of Computer Science and Senior Project Manager at UNC’s Renaissance Computing Institute. Her research interest is discovering what technologies and techniques make virtual reality experiences effective and using knowledge of human perception to make them more effective. Mary earned a B.A. from Duke University (1970), and an M.S. in Guidance and Personnel Services (1974), and an M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1984) from North Carolina State University.
Experience Category: Organizing Committee Member:
Type: [History]
Cabinets of Computer Graphics Curiosities
[Kasik] [Bolas] [Cychosz] [Debevec] [Dow] [Eber] [England] [Feiner] [Fisher] [Fuchs] [Jones] [Karakusevic] [Kramer] [Nelson] [Peddie] [Troy] [Whitton]
Type: [BOF]
ACM SIGGRAPH BOF: 2023: Celebrating SIGGRAPH50
Presenter(s): [Whitton] [Kasik]
Type: [E-Tech]
Physiological Reaction and Presence in Stressful Virtual Environments
Organizer(s): [Meehan] [Whitton] [Razzaque] [Zimmons] [Insko] [Combe] [Lok] [Scheuermann] [Naik] [Jerald] [Harris] [Antley] [Brooks]
Entry No.: [75]
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Retrospective]
Making Computer Graphics History Public Presenter(s): [Llach] [Gaboury] [Kasik] [Newton] [Smith] [Whitton]
Type: [Courses]
The Whys, How Tos, and Pitfalls of User Studies Presenter(s): [Sundstedt] [Whitton] [Bloj]
Entry No.: [05]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Incorporating dynamic real objects into immersive virtual environments Presenter(s): [Lok] [Naik] [Whitton] [Brooks]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Physiological measures of presence in stressful virtual environments Presenter(s): [Meehan] [Insko] [Whitton] [Brooks]
Type: [Courses]
Understanding Virtual Environments: Immersion, Presence, and Performance Organizer(s): [Slater]
Presenter(s): [Slater] [Biocca] [Brooks] [Whitton] [Ellis] [Mania] [Steed]
Entry No.: [49]
Learning Category: Moderator:
Type: [Retrospective]
Breaking New Ground: Establishing Graphics Worldwide Presenter(s): [Meads] [Brown] [Knorich-Zuffo] [Jorge]
- Archive Contributor
- Awardee
- Birds of Feather Presenter
- Course Presenter
- Emerging Technologies Presenter
- History Contributor
- Panel Presenter
- Retrospective Moderator
- Retrospective Presenter