David J. Kasik
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- SIGGRAPH History Committee
Other / Past Affiliation(s):
- The Boeing Company, Visualization and Interactive Techniques, Senior Technical Fellow
- Battelle Columbus Laboratories
- United States of America
David Kasik became a disruptor by bringing new CG ideas to the aircraft industry. He is also a major SIGGRAPH supporter and has innovated new programs, given service to the pioneers and driven the support for high schoolers to become exposed to the wonders of SIGGRAPH.
Dave Kasik is the Boeing Enterprise Visualization Architect. His research interests include innovative combinations of basic 3D graphics and user interface technologies and increasing awareness of the impact of visualization technology inside and outside Boeing. Dave has a BA in Quantitative Studies from the Johns Hopkins University and an MS in Computer Science from the University of Colorado. He is a member of IEEE, ACM, ACM SIGGRAPH (he has attended all SIGGRAPH conferences), and ACM SIGCHI. He is a member of the editorial board for IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.
David J. Kasik is group leader for workstation design and development for computer-aided design/manufacturing/ engineering applications at Boeing Computer Services. The goal of the overall project is to provide an integrated environment for both workstation and data in the development of engineering applications. He has authored numerous papers in the area of user interface management systems and graphics. He was exhibits chair for SIGGRAPH ’80 in Seattle. Kasik received a M.S. in computer science from the University of Colorado and a B.A. from the John Hopkins University.
Course Organizer:
- SIGGRAPH 1983, "Applying Computer Graphics in Science and Engineering"
- SIGGRAPH 2007, "State of the Art in Massive Model Visualization"
- SIGGRAPH 2008, "Massive Model Visualization Techniques"
- SIGGRAPH 1982, "App of Computer Graphics to Eng Scientific and Design Problems"
- SIGGRAPH 1984, "Building Scientific and Engineering Graphics Applications"
- SIGGRAPH 1985, "Building Scientific and Engineering Graphics Applications"
Type: [History]
Cabinets of Computer Graphics Curiosities
[Kasik] [Bolas] [Cychosz] [Debevec] [Dow] [Eber] [England] [Feiner] [Fisher] [Fuchs] [Jones] [Karakusevic] [Kramer] [Nelson] [Peddie] [Troy] [Whitton]
Type: [History]
SIGGRAPH Pioneers: Rare Gems from CGI History
[Cuba] [Gerbarg] [Grebe] [Hall] [Kasik] [Masucci] [O'Callaghan] [Prater] [Ressler] [Reynolds] [Segal] [Wahrman] [Weinstock] [Wyvill] [Dempsey] [Collins] [Blinn] [Kramer]
Type: [BOF]
ACM SIGGRAPH BOF: 2023: Celebrating SIGGRAPH50
Presenter(s): [Whitton] [Kasik]
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Retrospective and Diversity]
Looking Back to Look Forward: Keeping SIGGRAPH Vibrant for Another 50 Years Presenter(s): [Newton] [Owen] [Masson] [Rose] [Nandigjav] [Kasik]
Type: [Retrospective]
Computer Graphics Disruptions in Art, Science, Visualization, Engineering and Modeling Presenter(s): [Kawaguchi] [Fiume] [Kasik] [Rockwood]
Type: [Retrospective]
Making Computer Graphics History Public Presenter(s): [Llach] [Gaboury] [Kasik] [Newton] [Smith] [Whitton]
Type: [Courses]
Massive Model Visualization Techniques Organizer(s): [Kasik]
Presenter(s): [Kasik] [Dietrich] [Gobbetti] [Marton] [Manocha] [Slusallek] [Yoon]
Entry No.: [20]
Type: [Panels]
Graphics in the Large: Is Bigger Better? Presenter(s): [Carpenter] [Fisher] [Kasik] [May] [Streitz]
Entry No.: [09]
Type: [Panels]
Software Tools For User Interface Management Presenter(s): [Kasik] [Tanner] [Myers] [Rhyne]
Entry No.: [09]
Type: [Courses]
Building Scientific and Engineering Graphics Applications Organizer(s): [Kasik]
Presenter(s): [Kasik] [Littlefield] [Thomas] [Weiler]
Entry No.: [27]
Type: [Courses]
Building Scientific and Engineering Graphics Applications Organizer(s): [Kasik]
Presenter(s): [Kasik] [Littlefield] [Weiler]
Entry No.: [27]
Type: [Courses]
Applying Computer Graphics in Science and Engineering Organizer(s): [Kasik]
Presenter(s): [Kasik] [Jaech] [Littlefield]
Entry No.: [22]
Learning Category: Moderator:
- Archive Contributor
- Awardee
- Birds of Feather Presenter
- Course Organizer
- Course Presenter
- History Contributor
- Panel Moderator
- Panel Presenter
- Panels Organizing Committee Member
- Retrospective Moderator
- Retrospective Presenter
- Technical Paper Presenter