“SIGGRAPH Pioneers: Rare Gems from CGI History” by Cuba, Gerbarg, Grebe, Hall, Kasik, et al. …

  • ©Larry Cuba, Darcy Gerbarg, Henry (Hank) Grebe, Mary Hall, David J. Kasik, Michael Masucci, Leland O'Callaghan, Mitch Prater, Sandy Ressler, Craig Reynolds, Peter Segal, Michael Wahrman, Roy Weinstock, Brian Wyvill, Barry Dempsey, Joan Collins, James (Jim) F. Blinn, and Ed Kramer


    This is a reel of rarely-seen videos from the early years of CGI, contributed by the SIGGRAPH Pioneers community group. Other videos were sourced from YouTube. Many contributors’ names are well-known in the SIGGRAPH community (Jim Blinn, Judson Rpsebush, Craig Reynolds, etc.), many not so well-known, and this reel emphasizes each contributor’s earliest works. The reel is in 3 parts, addressing different time periods where rapid growth was taking place in the technology. Among the first videos are those from the recent symposium at the University of Utah, illustrating how so much of the earliest pivotal research took place there. Pieces were chosen that illustrated early technology in use, such as at Bell Labs in the 60’s and at NASA/JPL in the 70’s. Others focus on particular early systems, such as the Fairlight CVI, the Quantel Mirage, the Computer Image System IV, the Bosch FGS-4000, the Ikonas/Adage 3000, and the Pixel Machine. Some videos show research from educational institutions like The University of Calgary and NYIT. Some show work from early production facilities, like deGraf-Wahrman, Digital Effects, MAGI/Synthavision, and Triple-I. Others are just for fun, like the live performances from the “On the Threshold” production. Almost four hours of content.

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