“Building Scientific and Engineering Graphics Applications”

  • ©David J. Kasik, Rik Littlefield, and Kevin J. Weiler



Entry Number: 27


    Building Scientific and Engineering Graphics Applications

Course Organizer(s):



    Who should attend?

    Attendees should have knowledge of computer graphics jargon and concepts and should be interested in constructing applications that use computer graphics as an integral part.

    Recommended background

    The Introduction to Computer Graphics course or equivalent is suggested.

    Course description

    The goal of this course is to provide a context for graphics application construction. The approach will be to describe not only the application and its construction environment but also to derive the principles learned during the construction process. Attendees should, therefore, carry away a foundation that can be applied in their own environment. The course will consist of four parts. Three parts will focus on the software aspects of application construction, and the fourth part will focus on the pitfalls of hardware evaluation.

Contributed By:

    Pete Segal

Overview Page: