Allison Druin

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Visiting Research Scientist

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Scitex America


  • Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 1993

    Ms. Drune is recognized for her work in developing multimedia environments for children. She is best known for NOOBIE. a five foot computer/Muppet creature that replaces the mouse and keyboard. This was developed while she was a Master’s student at the MIT Media Lab with support from Apple Computer’s Vivarium Research Group. For the past years she has taught elementary school children part-time, as well as consulted for various educational institutions developing multimedia environments. Currently she is a visiting Research Scientist at New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, developing experimental room-sized multimedia environments.

Course Organizer:


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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