Robin Bargar

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Composer

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Research Programmer
  • Research Scientist


  • SIGGRAPH 1999

    Robin Bargar received Bachelors and Masters degrees in music from The Ohio State University, and a Doctorate of Musical Arts from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a composer working in acoustic and visual media. He is co-founder of the Audio Development Group at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois, where he currently directs research concerning sound synthesis and sonification for computer graphic and virtual environments ( Under Bargar’s direction the Audio Group developed vss, a real-time sound authoring, synthesis and sound server system. In 1991 Bargar was a finalist in the International Electro-Acoustic Music Competition in Bourges, France. His collaborations with animator Chris Landreth are recogni:red internationally, appearing on MTV’s Liquid television and in theatrical release. In 1996 Landreth and Bargar received an Oscar Nomination for “the end,” a computer animation featured in the SIGGRAPH 96 Electronic Theater.  

    SIGGRAPH 1996

    Robin Bargar is a composer working in acoustic and visual media. He has performed real-time image-sound works with the Cleveland Orchestra, National Symphony, Cincinnati Symphony and others. Recent performances and presentations include the Second International Symposium on Electronic Arts; the SIGGRAPH Electronic Theater 1991, 1993, and 1995; and the International Computer Music Conference 1991-1995. Mr. Bargar has been guest lecturer at Tokyo University, the Institute Universitari de L’Audiovisual, Barcelona, and University de Nice. He was a finalist in the 1991 International Electro-Acoustic Music Competition in Bourges, France. The Listener, a computer animation created by Bargar and artist Chris Landreth received the NICOGRAPH 1990 and 1991 Arts and Entertainment Award and the 1991 Special Multimedia Prize (Tokyo, Japan). This work was syndicated on MTV’s Liquid Television. In 1996 Mr. Bargar and Mr. Landreth received an Oscar Nomination for the category “Best Short Film, Animated,” for their computer animation, the end. This animation also received the Special Award for 3D Animation, PIXEL-INA Awards, and the Special International Award of the SACD (Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers) for Excellence in Narrative Structure, at the Imagina Festival, Monaco, February, 1996. At the National Center for Supercomputing Applications Mr. Bargar established the Audio Development Group, where he currently directs research concerning sound synthesis and composition for computer graphic and virtual environments.  

    SIGGRAPH 1994

    Robin Bargar is a composer of instrumental and computer music works that include video and computer graphics. His compositions are presented in the United States, Europe and Asia He has performed real-time multi-image works with artists including the Cleveland Orchestra, National Symphony, and Cincinnati Symphony. Recent performances and presentations include the 1992 and 1993 International Computer Music Conference; the Second International Symposium on Electronic Arts; the SIGGRAPH 1991 and 1993 Electronic Theater; Computer Animation ’91, Geneva, Switzerland; and the 1991 Asian Contemporary Music Festival, Seoul, Korea. Mr. Bargar was a finalist in the 1991 International Electro-Acoustic Music Competition in Bourges, France. In Tokyo, Japan his computer graphic collaborations received the NICOGRAPH 1990 and  1991 Arts and Entertainment Award and the 1991 Special Multimedia Prize. This work is currently syndicated on MTV’s Liquid Television. After several years on the composition faculty, School of Music, UIUC, he is now project leader for Audio Development at NCSA.

    SIGGRAPH 1993

    Robin Bargar is a composer working in acoustic and visual media, including electro-acoustic and computer music, instrumental ensemble, video, and computer graphics. He has performed real-time multi-image works with the Cleveland Orchestra, National Symphony, Cincinnati Symphony and others. Recent performances and presentations include the 1992 International Computer Music Conference: the Second International Symposium on Electronic Arts; the SIGGRAPH 1991 Electronic Theater: Computer Animation ’91, Geneva, Switzerland; and the 1991 Asian Contemporary Music Festival, Seoul, Korea. Mr. Bargar was a finalist in the 1991 International Electro-Acoustic Music Competition in Bourges, France. In Tokyo, Japan his computer graphic collaborations received the NICOGRAPH 1990 and 1991 Arts and Entertainment Award and the 1991 Special Multimedia Prize. This work is currently syndicated on MTV’s Liquid Television.

    At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Mr. Bargar is currently Visiting Lecturer in composition for the School of Music, Research Programmer for the Software Development Group and Producer/Director for Scientific Communications and Media Systems in the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.  




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